Jan 10, 2007 16:56
Jesus what have i been up to. I know i haven't posted since the Ice Age lol. Well i currently work for Team Canada, a.k.a. Tim Horton's, where the coffee is weak and the sugar is coarse. Also, i'm still in West Warwick, but at least i have a home i guess :-)
Um what else. I've been motivated about getting my white ass back to College, cuz i'm sick of not doing something with my life, and only settling for part time shit jobs. I needs me some damn money and a career. I've had a lot of time to think and i'm excited about my situation, i mean, i'm gonna go back to college, i'm on my way to making something of myself. Someone told me the other day a phrase that kinda fits right now. "Dream big, Be Somebody."
That's all i can remember for now :-) but i think i'm gonna start posting on the regular now. so later all
new year