It's VDAY folks!! get your asses out and support your local VDAY celebrations! (Im not talking valentine either, Im talking VAGINA) Go and visit for more info on that. VDAY is pretty special to me. Not only have I personally (as too many of us have) been a vicim of sexual abuse, but I also did my part in helping others who are victims as well. I was an actress in The Vagina Monologues for 2 years during VDAY international here in my city when the college put it on, then the following year, I acted in AND directed/producted the show. (I had a director, but she was drunk/stoned the entire time so I ended up doing it all) That was a very special 3 years for me, because I felt like I was doing something that meant something you know? VDAY is special to me. I was supposed to do it again last year, but said drunk director wanted to do it again as well, and I didnt think I could deal with the stress of having to do it ALL by myself again, so I didnt do it. SHE then took on the resposibility of the show HERSELF.. and guess what? the show never happend. She was too busy drinking.
I woke up when Marius was getting ready for work his morning. He set a card and some chocolate next to me. I pretended to be asleep, and when he went out to warm up the car I sat up and peeked and then closed my eyes again when he came back in. But I couldnt help but smile so I opened my eyes and he say we and waved at me, said he was sorry for being noisy. I told him he wasnt noise, I was already awake, and had peaked when he went ouside LOL! it was so cute! He bought me a potted orchid (my favorite) last week, so I really didnt expect anything today. ♥
I love him so much!