
Jul 07, 2006 14:10

I hate to end this series cause I have had so much fun with it ^-^
But all good things must come to an end
(I do hope I get more comments on this than the last chapter 0-0; I feel like nobody liked it, heh)
Bagel Luvs You ^-^

The pain of the bullet tore right through Jayne's shoulder. He fell to the ground and bit down on the inside of his cheek. The pain was terrible. It felt like the Alliance had coated their bullets in acid. With the sadistic manners they were known for - Jayne wouldn't be surprised. He tried to close his eyes and calm himself down, his hand applying pressure to the spot. Whoever decided that pressure, to a spot that already burned, was good and crazy. He took deep breaths and told himself to get up. Start shooting again. Those douches need to die already. This battle was about to be over. But when he opened his eyes he saw River's little form falling to the ground.
He grunted out her name and crawled over to her, as not to get hit. No. She was just meditating. She was fine. She had to be. She was. He knew it.

Darkness. A hollow darkness that she was caught in without any reason why. This wasn't cyberspace anymore. She lay very still where she was. A cold and lonely place it must have been. It was completely silent. Nothing. Not even the calm hum of the wind. She tried to listen to her own breathing. Nothing. She must be going. Jayne must have been dead. And thus - so was she. She was just about to shut down all internal motor and life-supporting functions when she felt herself move. She tried to gasp, but of course nothing came out. She tried to see, but of course could see nothing. She wanted some sign as to who this was. Enemy. Friend. She didn’t know.
Her fingers searched the form that was lifting her. She could feel vibrations on what felt like a neck. Whoever it was - they were speaking to her. She pouted and clung to the form, wishing she could hear them. Speak back to them. Look right at them. But she was unable. She was dying slowly - all of her functions were shutting down. One by one. Jayne was gone.
She tried to say his name. Jayne. Those vocal vibrations. She sank. Sank lower and lower into that darkness once again. She was ready. She was prepared. Jayne.

The rest of everything happened in lapses. Slow motioned gaps. Like when Jayne saw River on the nose of Serenity. The chaos made its trickle through his mind slow like honey. And he remembered her lips trying to say his name. Those little lips mouthing his name as she fell limp in his arms. He remembered her shut-off form. As he looked down at her little form, he grew angry and bitter. Why did she have to leave him? He had just opened up to her. And now she had to leave him? He felt that he would never know happiness because the only person to ever give him a smile truly his own was laying in his arms without even a simulated breath of life.
Then he recalled flashing images of his standing up. Mal screaming for him to get down. His gun killing many. Thinning out the line of stupid Alliance soldiers. And then he remembered seeing River's face on the other side of the line. And for a minute he smiled. Thinking she was alright and still alive. But when he caught on that it wasn't his girl - and was instead that stupid bitch of a copy sitting there to taunt him - he sent a bullet right into her direction.
Of course, all his time he was standing so he felt a great amount of pain in his chest before two hands reached down at he hit the ground. A great cloud of dust surrounded him and hands applied pressure to his chest. He cried out and then he couldn't cry out anymore. His throat hurt and he wanted to cry. But all he could do was utter her name.

"After he heals we can train him, correct?"
"Yes. He will be put in the 'Academy' programs and we can make him one of ours. He will be a perfect assassin. Un-stoppable."
"Good. I have a lot of faith in this one."
"And the other robot? What about her?"
"The original?"
"...Put her technology into my body instead. She is weak. I am not."
Jayne could hear voices. They sounded so far away. So weak. Almost like a dream. His eyes were closed for a long time. He could barely open them he was so weak. But then it got more painful. He opened his eyes into little slivers and he screamed. The bright lights above him were drilling themselves into his sockets. Overwhelming. Intoxicating. Nauseating. Blinding him. Paralyzing his senses.
"We have plans for you Jayne."
Jayne squinted from the head-pounding pain of the lights and could see a face. It was blurry. He was drugged and he wanted to cry. The tears stopping themselves out of habit. He growled and screamed and thrashed. The pain. The head-throbbing pain. His racing heart beat echoed in his ears. A drum. A constant drum.
He nearly fell off of the hard table he was laying on as he tried to get up. Looking around, trying his best to stand - he was seeing blurs of shapes and colors. Blues. Whites. Bright lights. Cold metal. Medical things. Blood bags. Then another form. Her. She was there. With her stupid pink ear all mangled from his bullet. He remembered shooting the AllianceRiver's ear and he glared.
"You...I shot you."
"That you did. Right after I killed your precious persocom. She seemed very eager to see you. Too bad she never will. Too bad she won’t get to see the killer you are going to become. The weapon you will be turned into."
She smiled a sickeningly evil smile. He fell to his knees from the nausea he felt from standing up - and he fainted. Flashing lights passed over his eyes. He sighed as hands lifted him from the floor. He felt the stale sheets of the white stretcher again. He felt a bee-sting in his neck. Cold metal. He screamed and a hand stroked his cheek. Stupid persocom bitch. Stroking him. He wanted to yank her fucking hand off for killing the only thing he really cared about.
Then everything melted away.
AllianceRiver’s face became his different. She was staring down at him with caring eyes. Her ear was fine. And then Simon and Kaylee were on his other side. They were all looking down at him. Worried. They were worried. Huh? For all practical purposes Simon and Kaylee would be prisoners. Maybe even dead. Why were they staring down at him all worried like?

"I think maybe a dosage that size was incorrect," Simon said with a sigh of relief that Jayne was ok.
"He thought he shot me," River said.
"Gah...I never seen Jayne so freaked out before," Kaylee said. She lay her head on Simon's bare shoulder. He didn't have any time to grab his shirt when they heard Jayne scream and had to rush in to see what was wrong. Their hair was all a mess and she was still catching her breath.
"It won't happen again. I promise," Simon told River.
"Don't worry about it. It's understandable. At least he is alright."
She looked down at her Jayne and she smiled. He stroked his cheek and she could see in his eyes that he recognized her this time.

"So yer tellin' me you have me some really powerful hallucigenic drugs - and it made me hear all that crap?"
"Damn doc - where the hell did you score something that powerful?"
"It's a registered medicine for pain. I didn't 'score' it anywhere."
River giggled and Jayne tickled her. Simon smirked. Himself and his sister were relatively close now. She didn't remember him still. But he didn't have any problem making new memories. The old ones were so hard to deal with. So tragic. In some ways, he thought River would have wanted them forgotten. It would have made the whole idea of keeping her around quite superfluous.
"Oh, Simon! She is adorable!"
Kaylee came rushing in with a little persocom in her hands named Plum. She was dressed in a little arabian costume and had magenta hair. She smiled as Kaylee showed her off to both River and Jayne.
"Who is that?" River asked.
"Simon made her for me! Isn't she just the cutest pocket-sized persocom you ever saw?"
Jayne smiled. Plum was able to fit in Kaylee's palm, just like Zoe's reprogrammed persocom Kotoko. He held River's hand. As much as Kaylee loved hers and Zoe enjoyed ordering hers around - Jayne still had the best deal of anyone out there. River was his.
"Simon?" River said softly.
Simon was beaming at Kaylee, as she kissed his cheek and played with Plum.
"Yes?" he said, attention on her.
"Could you move my main button back to where it was before?"
They all were silent and Jayne sat back in his chair. He remembered that button. He remembered it well.
"Huh? Move it?" Simon questioned.
"Yes. The Alliance put the button there so that I would never make a romantic connection. And then of course - never shut off. But now that I have already made the connection with Jayne, it would only make sense to have the button moved back to its proper place."
"Oh. Um...alright. I'll see what I can do," Simon sputtered. It was a weird request to get from his own sister, as it implied what Jayne's smirk now confirmed. She wanted to be with Jayne as much as she possibly could. He would do it though. For her happiness.
"Yeah, about that whole shutting off thing - when I thought you was shut off before how come you wasn't?" Jayne said to River.
"The last virus that the other one sent to me was one that knocked out my visual, hearing, and verbal functions. But I sank back into cyberspace to attack her again. I matched your vocal vibrations with that of your actual verbal waves in my memory. I knew you were alive. So I fought to keep you," She said, a bright smiling punctuating her last sentance.
"And since you shot that copy in the ear, River said it wasn't much of a fight. Then she used her special mathematic killing skills and killed all the rest of those soldiers," Kaylee added.
"Well if that ain't the sexiest thing ever," Jayne grinned, pulling River in for a kiss.
"What ever did happen to the AllianceRiver?" Simon asked confused.

“I…don’t remember.”
“You don’t remember your name?”
“No. I don’t recall anything.”
“You don’t even remember why you was left in this alleyway? Don’t even know why you got blood on you and stuff?”
“I does not register at all.”
“So…for all practical purposes…you belong to nobody?”
“Well, you did turn me on. You are my owner.”
“…Awesome. What’s your name, love?” “You can call me anything you wish. I am yours now,” she beamed at him with her big brown eyes, her long brown hair nearly covering her pink plastic ears.

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