Dec 18, 2010 14:50
Destroy the basic foundation of any human being and I predict that the inevitable product remains the same, some truths are cloaked with the veil of self deception but I suspect that the internal stasis remains the same. If I can't get what I need, as any human being needs, then I will substitute that void with the completion of something else that I consider almost as gratifying. In this perturbed pathway I've entangled myself in so many obstacles I was once foolish enough to confuse with a substitute but all it turned out to be was just another distraction. This is when I discovered that my motives are at times empirical in nature in response toward my environment. If the stadium deems me unworthy then empiricism comes creeping this way in response to rejection. Introducing a calming factor seems to encourage the dullness of a mundane life, this is not for me. I know that complacency was the will power to eradicate me. I've got empirical tendencies embedded in my mind which become actions in the real world. The outcome can be either really scary or really awesome. Only time will tell. One thing is certain and imminent, change is inevitable and something is changing inside of me. I can feel it churning.