Jan 06, 2007 16:56
1. If your life was a little glass ball, who would you trust enough to give it to?
my mom.
2. Do you think our futures are already planned out for us?
to a certain extent yes. the big life changing things, and the people that make an impact on your life
3. Do adults really understand teenagers?
you'd think so but no. I think it has to do with the fact that teenagers are under so much stress that they just snap and adults don't consider that they are more sensitive.
4. How often do you feel like you just need OUT?
Out of the house - a few times a day. Out of this world (mind escape) a few times a month.
5. What would you do if you found out someone very close to you (for example, boy/girlfriend you've been dating for years) told you they were a member of the KKK?
I'd want to hear there reasons for it. I'd be completely stund, and i might lose a little bit of respect for them. I'd also ask them to never bring it up around me.
6. Does the music you listen to effect decisions you make in your every day life?
No. It effects how i feel when i make my decisions.
7. In the end, will we all be forgiven?
We'll see.
8. Do you understand why some people want to commit suicide?
I uinderstand they feel like it can't get better. I think i kinda understand but not fully.
9. Have you ever been to a big protest?
10. Do you believe the news you see on tv is uncensored and unbiased?
No. I don't watch the news because of it.
11. Truthfully, do you want to make a difference when you grow up?
I would really like to yes.
12. Are we really free in America?
No one is really free. We're all obligated to do things that we aren't happy with.
13. Are you/have you ever been clinically depressed?
A little bit. sometimes.
14. Do you have any mental disorders, etc?
nothing other than the fact that sometimes i'm just mental.
15. Is it noble of a person to actually forgive everyone, even people like Saddam Hussein?
it is yeah, but i don't think many people can truely forgive everyone.
16. Is it fair for a president to draft soldiers to the army?
I think that a president should do what they can to not start a war, that way no one is drafted. But if we're in a pickly we're in a pickle.
17. Are we a lost generation?
My generation? the generation that would rather play video games then change the world.... yes.
18. Is it bad to call someone retarded?
It's not the nicest way to say it. I really not like it when people use it in name calling.
19. Would you consider AIDS the worst disease on earth?
Is cancer a disease? I'd put that over aids.
20. Does God owe us an explanation?
21. What the heck are we fighting for?
Life. Freedom. to be heard. and noticed.
22. Is money the root of all evil?
No evil is the root of all evil.
23. Is everyone a good person at heart?
No. Some people are just not good people.
24. If a young woman was raped and got pregnant, and then decided to get an abortion, would you still consider her a "baby killer"?
She's killing a baby yes, but in my opinion she is justified in it.
25. Do you want to be alive when the antichrist comes, just to experience it?
Uh, i don't think so.
26. Are you a good person at heart?
27. Is it really wrong for teachers to hug their students?
no. as long as it's a short hug, this whole side hug crap is, crap. Some kids need affection, a brief hug shouldn't be taken advantage of on the adults part.
28. Would you mind being president?
I'd take the job. Don't know how great i would be at it, but yeah i'll take it if it's offered.
29. Do you find it weird, that you never know what your future will bring, and you might really end up president, or the first lady?
I might, but I really don't see it happening...It's not weird, it's exciting, cause who knows!?!
30. Are "followers" really that bad, considering you can’t have a leader without them?
No. I'm a follower and i know it. And props to those who are strong enough to be leaders.
31. Have you seen Fahrenheit 9/11?
Uh yeah i did.
32. If you answered yes to #31, did you enjoy it?
It's was frustrating.
33. If you answered no to #31, why not?
it wasn't an uplifting story. And you just never know whats going on behind closed doors and who's lying about it.
34. Have you ever told someone 'Go to hell' and really meant it?
No that's not one of my mean phrases.
35. Do you give homeless people spare change, even though you know they'll just buy booze or drugs?
Who's saying they only buy drugs or booze with it!?! I would give spare change if someone politely asked me and i had some readily available.
36. When someone does something you know is wrong, like make a racist or sexist comment, what do you do?
Sometimes i say something, sometimes i ignore them.
37. Are you embarrassed by your family's background?
No. I'm just straight up embarrased about the way some of my family acts.
38. Even if you don't believe Jesus was our savior, do you still think that he was very noble?
39. Is God really watching over us?
I've prayed countless times to him today. He's always there.
40. What do you picture heaven to be like?
Peaceful and happy.