Dec 05, 2005 11:50
"It feels good having a job and knowing you can work whenever you want."
- kyle
Well there's something i love to hear. Yeah, you know what it's great to know that i can go to work whenever i want, as long as it's every time they told me to be there! That's a real job. Kyle has a "job" and a security guard for certain city events. He went to a parade (as far as I know) on saturday. In my mind, they gave him a utility belt with mace and a walkie-talkie and said ok go stand there by the street and make sure no one runs into the parade and gets run over. OH HARD. And he was there for a few hours and then came home in a shitty mood. I understand the shitty mood after work, but really he stood there and watched a parade. And now he's trying to make it seem like his job is so dificult that he just decided he wasn't going to work today. Yeah well kyle you can kiss my ass! Try having a job that you have to wake up and go to everyday. And there's no standing around with mace, damn i wish they gave me a utility belt at the Y. Mace would come in handy so often...
And after kyle worked for one day, he's SO exhausted that he's just gonna sit around the house all day to day doing things just to annoy the shit out of me! Because unlike him i did have to get up and go to work today. And thank God that not all the kids showed up at the preschool today! i got the rare choice to leave and come home and sit in front of my computer all day attempting to pull a research essay about the inclusion of children with disabilities into classrooms with typically developing children out of my ass!
Fucking kyle and his half ass jobs. Some things just really irritate me.