(no subject)

Jul 15, 2009 21:38

This'll be short cause I have a lot of story to enter into /

I basically have two stories on the go, both about D&D characters and storyline that I have blown way out, to the point where the originals are so recognizable anymore. But I sit in the store and wait for people to come in and my mind wanders and entertains myself. Some of the stuff happens in a session, and in a really good session I will get days of writing out of it, sometimes more. I hate it when I lose inspiration, I usually get three good weeks of writing in a yer, at which time I ditch all else, even WoW, lol. Well not sex, I don't ditch that, but really it's more like food and air to me, so I say it doesn't count.

I should hear from the bank tomorrow about whether not I get a Visa. My first credit card in over ten years, could be scary!!

I will also be going out, armed with Avery's Flip camera and filming the Zombie Walk in the Capital Ex Parade ( I still say K-Days in my head, I can't help it.)And Friday is pancake breakfast time. Shit I love those. I think I'll call up my grandparents and ask them along, I think they'd love that.

Laters guys

You know, sometimes I wonder if I'll ever be as cool as I was....
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