(no subject)

Jul 10, 2009 23:04

It's Friday night and I am having a real metal fest on the third comp. (Avery decided we should get a third to power level us in WoW, but, oddly enough, it can't run WoW lol, so it is the music computer back it was sold to us with a subwoofer and makes a very nice entertainment system.)

I think this fest started with Type O Negative and ended with Static X. I actually ran out of fav songs, so in a train wreck of a mix I switched to DM, not that anyone who knows me should be surprised by that. My cells ringtone is (now) Strangelove and was Precious.

Random tidbits since I have been on last...
a mania for Basshunter. I love that he sings about geeking, even if it is dancy and it's all in Sweden. I hate the way they changed Boten Anna for English speaking audiences. They took a song that was about talking in IRC to a song about a guy and a girl who got in a fight. BAH! If you look up the song at all, really, don't bother with English.

I have a new hobby on the way home from work. I walk through alleys to see what I can find. So far this summer I have brought home 2 200 cd holders (black) a vintage ashtray holder (perfectly rusty), a silver pantyhose holder (from a store) that now holds all our shoes (boots are too big lol) and a vintage suitcase (burgundy) made of wood with latches. I could have ended up with a porch swing if I had a truck, or a bike if I wasn't on my way to work. People throw out the weirdest things. And no, I'm not a shopping cart lady. Nor will I ever be. I hope.

I am also scoping out the houses with apples and rhubarb (especially one house who had a lot of dead fall this spring) there is another house with a crabapple tree that I remember littering the sidewalk with fallen fruit. There are reasons I have such a big bag. I hate waste, I really do. Why grow it if you won't use it?

Switching tangents again, I think I could write more if I actually printed off all the pages and read them through, except that they number in the hundreds now and when I'm standing in the ink isle, I can never remember what type we use....

I hope we move by Marc and Jo's, for many reasons, including having their company often. But also because there is a bellydance studio 4 blocks from their house and I could finally go for lessons instead of watching Youtube and the dvd I bought.

I had a vision of myself in my future garden on the way to work today, dressed as a gypsy and dancing with joy at the planting of my first rose bush. Some days I think I may be going crazy
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