Oct 05, 2009 01:27

Dear everyone,
There is some unfounded bullshit going around about me. I'm not sure at this point exactly where it started, but I have a pretty reasonable idea.
There is a livejournal post from a few months back regarding friendships of mine that have since ended. In that post, I mention cheating whore. If read incorrectly, it may look as though I imply that I, too, cheat.  This is untrue.  The passage in question is intended to read that she and I have similar tastes in clothing, music, television, etc. and that we have some personality traits, like our nuttiness, in common.  The next sentence explains that I have more morals and intelligence than she does, meaning that I would never cheat on someone who treats me like a goddess and does everything he can for me.  Furthermore, if I didn't cheat on the douchebag when I had offers coming in left and right, why would I cheat on someone who is in every way better than douchebag?  And on top of that, the few offers I have been given are people I wouldn't fuck if I was single and desperate.
Now, if I do my tracing correctly, the people who are spreading these lies are likely to have been (mis)informed by one person who was coaxed into those beliefs by another person. A person who resents me severely because she dug herself into a hole. After a contract was drawn up and signed by her (willingly, I might add), she didn't fulfill the requirements of that contract and wound up screwing herself over.  Because I wouldn't let her walk all over me, she decided that I was out to get her, and has done everything she possibly can to display her utter hatred of me. That's right, I'm talking about Levena.  I would also like to add that the aforementioned situation was, by her admission, entirely her fault.  She did nothing to fix the situation when she was afforded every opportunity to do so, and was even offered help.  Regardless, she decided that I'm the bad guy. This apparently means that she has to turn everyone against me.

For the last time, I have never been unfaithful in any relationship.  I have had the opportunity to become involved with other people at various points in my life, and I have turned every single one of those opportunities down.  I am of the mind that cheating on a significant other is right up there with murder and rape.  I never have and never will cheat on anyone.  I am 110% faithful to Greg.  I was 110% faithful to everyone I've ever dated, even the ones that treated me like crap.  There is absolutely nothing in this world that would ever change that. I might joke about celebrities, but let's face it: Sean Connery isn't exactly going to walk up to me and ask me to sleep with him. Even if he did, there's no way I would actually take him up on it as long as I was with Greg.  That's right, I would turn down Sean Connery.  I would also turn down Harrison Ford, Shia LeBouf, James Marsden, Hugh Jackman, Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, Viggo Mortensen, Selma Blair, Katherine Heigl, Scarlett Johassen, and Natalie Portman.  No matter how physically attractive or talented someone is, there is nothing that I would do to screw up what I have.  I've finally found someone that I feel I can fully trust. Someone that I can honestly say I would like to spend the rest of my life with.  I've been treated like crap for so long, and now that I have someone who is not just good to me but amazing, there is nothing that is going to get in my way.

Gregory James Johnson is the only person that I want to be with.  No other person will get into my bed without his permission and invitation.

Have I made myself perfectly clear?  Good. Now enough with the stupid, unfounded rumors. I'm sick and tired of having my reputation and loyalty doubted.  Next person who accuses me without solid evidence (which is impossible, as I'm not cheating) will be beaten with a tire iron until they get the message.

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