Dec 03, 2009 15:26
It's the little things I miss.
It's sitting on the couch, curled under a blanket with a mug of too-sweet hot chocolate watching the snow fall outside. It's watching Christmas movies a week before thanksgiving and laughing at the complaints we get. It's carefully unwrapping decade old newspapers from around the much older ornaments that you keep to remind us of when times were simpler. It's parading through the frozen outside looking for the tree that's just perfect even though we've seen three perfect trees at the two other places we went to an hour ago. Its the lights and the snowballs for the dog and the carols and the laughter.
Without all that.... it's too quiet. It feels too much like every breath reverberates off the too-white walls of my little apartment.
I miss the little things. They kept me sane.
little things,