(no subject)

Oct 10, 2004 01:29

aw jeez. i'm using a mac that ruth's godly father has given us. in't that exciting? well yeah i guess except for the fact taht it's not a PC blurry, and other sorts but it's INTERNET!! for three hours. ppo. i wish i had money and then i'd sell all teh old computers our 95 ans such and then i'd give this mac to donna for her new home adn do what i need to fix teh 98. i'm in love with 98. ppppoooooooooo! no 98 internet. no pc. so i'm resorting to dustin see if he can do anything about saving my pc and not replacing it. well my room is really messy now. (there may be some errors cuz this key board is amaxingly stifff and hurts to type with.) i have a huge ass project due on Serlena by tuesday and ugh ineed my pc windows 98!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it! pl,us now wuith the macthere arew wires running through the middle of the room ugh oih well thwey are really godly. i wish i had money who doesn't??? coldnesx. i'm complaining about thism too much that's sad. stupid viruses destroying my computer wll ruth'sfather said that itneeds to bw wiped out and redone wich takers 8 hours and ugh i dont want them to be wasting their thime so egh i hate it stupid o nternet deprivedness....watr a word. gggrgrgggrgrgrgrgrrggfgrgrggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrr.....
stupid stuipid djfbfjbjd vjfkslkd;asnsu fapsoidh skjhflskjksdaskdh lasdklakjdslkdflsajdh *wants to scream really really reallyr eally really really realluy rerasdja;sdj;dj LOUD!!!!!*

stupd tajt;adj;nfeoaupoweurhasjdf;sfjdf

i blame it all on my parents. if they got a job and did stuff besides gambling maybe we'd have money and just bought a new pc. gr. or new other stuff. maybe if my father continured to go to computer school he'd be alble to fix. it...after he stars caring of course. stups stups stupd. dfja;dsj fgj;hkdg


dh i;m done crying about not having internet. and after thjree hours,i'll once again have no computer because we need to call cirt and ask them fror something, like theipmadress or something or the remote passwpord shit mother-----
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