i am kind of
arwen right now.
i started the ribbons thing then everyone did it go me go.
i love britt's camera it makes my skin look all dewy.
my face sucked up all the flash because gill is not tanned at all. these are britt's pictures.
we went to the horseshoe's 60th anniversary party last nite, gord downie did three songs, one being search and destroy, i got em all on video. this mental guy in the front beside me kept pumping his hand out for gord to shake the entire time and while filming i was like ok i gotta give him my card but the guy's shake my hand desperation got me anxious and i was starting to worry for him that gord wouldn't shake his hand, but then at the end he did and then some others and the give him my card moment passed.
i met one of the barenaked ladies (
tyler stewart) and he said he already knew me and my blog, he is in the elliott brood video i'm in too as a mounty, he said it [my blog] is a really good blog. k-os ignored me it's ok fil took my picture beside him sneaky-like. i ignored jian ghomeshi. there was free labatt 50 all nite long and food and cute decorations. you're not supposed to drink 50 though or any labatt products cos nq arbuckle said at a show that they sponsor ku klux klan rallies. when we first showed up the door guys laughed at fil and said oh of course he's the first one here, fil is basically a fixture there like that homeless guy who always parties at the shoe, he was there last nite too. i kissed him once on his beard and it had wet all over it and the next day i got lock-jaw i'm amazing don't forget it.
remind me to talk shit about niagara falls later.