5 things Izzy did not know!

Jun 27, 2007 23:46

1. How did you decide between God & the girl?
It was quite easy, Steph and I were getting closer and closer and no matter how hard I tried, even asking for God's help, the feeling kept getting stronger. That and He answered a lot of my prayers concerning Steph and I and He did not answer a lot more prayers asking him to take the feelings away, asking him to make Steph unattractive in my eyes. Then once Steph and I admitted to each other that we had crushes on each other we spent many hours talking and asking probing questions and realize that we were amazingly compatible. We also realized that with God's help we could make it work. So really it was His work that led me to Steph. Also I know, because ever since I have changed paths, I have not had any second thoughts. Also I may take this opportunity to point out that, I did not choose between God and the girl. I chose God and he gave me the girl!

2. Slim, the Beemers... What would you be willing to drive as an economy car?
There are two things that I look for in a vehicle, 1) it will save my hide in an accident and 2) it will be on the road much longer than most cars. My current beemer has 170,000 miles on it and it still pulls 28 mpg on the interstate and 23 around town. Driving a car until the wheels fall off is a lot more economical and environmentally friendly than scrapping and buying a new one. If it were up to me I would be driving a diesel 524 TD but those are few and far between. The hybrid technology in the states is not that great in europe they are able to get the same millage out of a diesel as we do out of a gas-electric hybrid. I think the electric cars are a good option and viable if we were to get away from oxidizing power plants. I will not comment on the idea of a "fuel cell" vehicle. Slim goes against everything in my blood, he was a last resort to do the research. I had two options, buy slim and get to do the research I had been working on for 4 years or not by slim and watch four years of work go down the drain. It has been decided that Slim is on his way out the family.

3. What will you do with the junque pulled out of the water when you install and RO system in your house?
That is a rather complicated question that depends on the water to be treated and the size of the system. If the system is the size as suggested in the question then, One would just throw the dry slats away with the trash approx. 1 lb a week if the system is just supplying drinking water. The salts themselves are not hazardous and on such a small scale it would not make much sense to try to separate them further to produce marketable products. If we move to the municipal size system approx. 30 mgd then the salts would be seperated and further purified to produce marketable products CaSO4, Na2SO4, MgCl2, NaCl, Bromine, Chlorine, etc.

4. Career arc / countdown to daddy time: how many short-term posts do people in your line of work have to take after completing their degree before they get to settle in and build a house?
Technically none. I would hope to have a Job lined up in industry about 6 months before I graduate. Given Spazzy's de-lima, I would like to be out of school by Dec 2008. Her and I have discussed the situation and while we would prefer to wait until we were debt free, we realize that it may be prudent to have children while we still can.

5. Why, when given the chance to ask five personal questions, did you opt for three throwaways?
Hmm really three throwaways? I actually was looking for more deep answers than were given. I figured that you being an academic would have taken the questions and ran with them. I assume that you were tired and missed the opportunity.
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