I Am sooooo fucking pissed right now soooo much

Dec 10, 2003 12:29

So yea this weekend alot of shit went down and now its even worse

jesse fucked one of my other freinds and then got back with anne the next day and when i finnaly confronted him about it anne was there

well i guess now i looked at her journal and well i guess jesse told her i lied about it all

thats fucked i did what i did to protect her ass because i dont think anyone should be cheated on but i guess she wont belive a word i say even tho i have never lied about anything to her ever

now i know why jesse does not want me to talk to her he lied to her about it all and now im made out to be the bad guy thats really fucked up

how on earth am i the bad guy when i was the one that tried to protect her from getting fucked over

but fuck i guess there nothinbg i can do anymore and i see my freindship with jesse fading now because i cant stand being around someone who is gonna lie about me and make me look like a fucking bad guy when all i ever try and do is make my freinds happy and make then feeel content with themselfs even with there flaws

but i never see it in return so why even bother anymore with freinds and try and be a great frind to them when all i get in return is shit on and rubbed in the dirt how fucked up is that shit

oh well i guess i'll just be one of the crowd now and trat people like shit like people teart me because i no longer need to deal withy my freinds b/s relationships that break up ona almost weekly basis and then my best freind goes out and cheats on there g/f and then gets back a day altter and then get mad at me when i tell them they are worng

just remeber people you reep what you sow and its not fun once you fuck me over because you will losse all my trust and its hard to get that back just ask my own cousin its hard to get on my good side once you fucked up

well im gonna smoke a cigg and try and calm downh and figure out what to do with jesse because as is right now im really sick of the b/s and the lie's and the shit talking doen behine my back done
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