I really don't know why, but I'm not posting nearly so much as I ought to these days. I kinda feel bad about it...I've got so much to say and so little of it actually gets said! So, in an attempt to rectify this situation, here's another little piece of the goings-on from Midfur for your enjoyment.
One of the coolest people I met at Midfur would have to be Uncle Kage, who as most of you would know is currently the chairman of Anthrocon, the biggest furcon in the world. He also holds a PhD in Organic Chemistry, does his own comedy stand-up, and was one of the guests of honor at Midfur this year. He's an amazing performer and an amazing man, and I was honored to meet him for as brief a time as I did. I even had the privilege of sharing my first alcoholic beverage with him.
So when I found out he was doing sketches in the dealer's den for a mere $2, I just had to have one, and I had just the subject for him to draw too - Jesus Bond. Inspired by an odd mix of college humour and a running gag on 2Sense (for the full story, hit
show #137), I wanted to see what Kage would make of the concept. Unfortunately I didn't have my sketchbook with me, and after bolting back to my room to grab it I arrived in the lobby only to find that the group for the Melbourne Zoo trip was about to leave. As the semi-official camera guy I had to go with them to film it (plus I wanted to see the zoo anyway, but that's a whole other story for a little later on), but I didn't know how long Kage was doing his sketches for and whether I'd be back in time. So with barely a breath left in my lungs to get the words out, I found myself in front of Kage's desk 10 seconds later, sketchbook open and $2 in hand.
"Yes, how may I help you?"
"I would like, please, for you to draw me 'Jesus Bond'. Here's my $2, I'm afraid I've got to run."
He looked at me quizzically for a second.
"'Jesus Bond'?"
"Yeah, as in Jesus Christ cross James Bond. I'm sorry, but I've really got to go."
And as he nodded in bemused understanding, I took off upstairs again to join the zoo trip.
I didn't see the sketchbook again until the Gala Ball that night, as in my absence Kage had kindly held onto it for me after he'd packed his setup away so as to get on with his GOH duties. It was worth the wait though.
This is what he drew for me. You can catch his take on this over at his LiveJournal:
http://unclekage.livejournal.com/101135.html And incidentally, I also got to meet 2 the Ranting Gryphon in person (another amazing individual who I wish I could have spent a bit more time with), and I did ask him what he thought 'Jesus Bond' would sound like. He's still working on it :). If anyone out there has any ideas, your suggestions would be most welcome.