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OK. Here goes.
The Bad: My computer crashed. Mike has diagnosed it’s death. A new hard drive should be the key, but we have no idea where the Windows system disks are. The Good: My real info is all saved on the f: drive which appears to be unharmed.
The Bad: I’m seriously behind on my running because of my back, my vacation. I was hoping to transfer Tori’s gym membership to my name, but World Gym Norwich wouldn’t do it without another 2 year commitment. Not happening. The Good: None, really, but I still have my bike so I can try that again.
The Bad: My garden was seriously overgrown with weeds. The Good: Having a seriously pissy day sent me into the garden where I ripped and pulled until I felt marginally better. It looks great and found a squash that was just about to get too big. Now it looks great. (but my back hurts again)
The Bad: My business is looking a little like my garden did this morning. I’m feeling a little discouraged and depressed about it. The Good: Ripping the heck out of my garden gave me time to think about it and steps I may have to take to get myself out of this funk.
Off to play Scrabble with my husband … because after last night, that bad turned very good. If it weren’t for that good, all of this would still be bad. Very bad.