Jul 07, 2005 19:08

Ok. Last night was the most fun I ever remember having, especially at a show.
Here is how it goes down.

Yesterday I came home from Ohio, I was in the house for 10 minutes when my sisters drove me crazy because I can't stand them. I HAVE to get out of the house ASAP, so I call Bri to see if the Woodstock show is still on. It is and she comes and picks me up after rushing. We promised Gab we would go to his show tonight. We drove through construction, blinding rain and heavy traffic....figures, were in a rush. Show starts at 5:30PM and its almost 6PM. We go to ingersoll first to pick up Ellicia. Quick look at the new puppies her dog had and were off to Woodstock. Once we know where the place is we head over to McDonalds for some mcchicken munchies...Im starving.

We drove back to the place and expected to hear some music but heard nothing...we went into the Hall only to find out that they are having problems hooking up the equipment. While we were waiting Bri had to go pee, I found a pad still in the box and stuck it to Bri's stall, "Bri its smiling at youuu!" I also for some reason tore pages from a magazine and threw them at her, I was having fun. Ellcia decided to go home and grab her camera since we had lots of time to kill. All that rushing and driving fast for nothing.

2 Hours Later, The Fully Down and Shotgun Rules show up finally. They help set up the equipment while Gab (lead singer of The Fully Down) comes over. says "hey" and sits with us on the floor while eating his Noodles and "Annanana de DES" *lol* . Rich also came over and said "hi", we didnt get much conversation with him on Sunday, he admitted he was on drugs...lol. YES the show is starting! A Walk With Anastasia plays first...they arn't bad I must say.

Inbetween one of the sets Bri, Ellicia and I decide to take a walk outside to look for the swan. My cousin Phil said he saw one! None of us could see a swan. I was holding Bri's purse when she asked for it back, I dunno why but she started chasing me for it for naturally I ran, I ended up tripping over the curb and falling while Bri fell to the ground and pee'd herself. To our great luck Ellcia caught it all on tape!! It was so fucking funny. Ellcia didn't wait 2 minutes before we were back inside and showing everyone! Rich (drummer of The Fully Down) laughed soo hard.

Seconds 2 Go started their set a little while after some other bands played. I LOVE Seconds 2 Go, I already bought their EP like 5 months ago. I just don't listen to it that much...I dunno why, they effing rock. Anyway they were awesome and started my music adrenalin running. Soon after Shotgun Rules took the stage and I was soooo HAPPY! I havn't seen them in like 3 months and they are at the top of my list! I kinda wished they played more older songs but their new material is pretty dope. I was just happy to be there with them again. I was suffereing huge Shotgun Rules withdrawl.
Growing Down played after and they are pretty good too. First time seeing them and those French boys are entertaining.

FINALLY The Fully Down started their set and energy started to radiate. Of course we were right up front, The band wouldn't have it any other way.
George grabbed Ellcia's head, whined that his guitar broke, it was soo much fun. Then for the last song he called everyone who knew the words or even didn't know the words up on stage. We got our fucking asses up there and belted the words to 'Love It All' with Gab, It was fucking awazing. The stage was full and everyone was so hyper. Gab kissed Ellicia on the cheek at the end of the song too...it was great. The band members all thanked me personally which means a lot when a band will take the time to get to know their fans and throw in a word or two.

A lot of the people left but us three stayed behind and talked with the band members and just hung out. It was funny because we noticed us and 2 other girls were like the only people there who weren't in a band. We met Devon from A Walk With Anastasia and he was pretty cool, he stuck around until we left. We conversated with Gab, George and Rich too for a bit, The Fully Down fucking love us. We are not only fans..but friends...awww. Nick (Seconds2Go) also thanked us for comming out and gave us a hug, he's great too.

Anyway Gab came running outta nowhere and stated that a Cock Fight was going on! You put on water polo hats and push ur heads together..it doesnt make sense but it is soo funny, pure comedy! Ellicia and Bri ran off to tape it while Devon and I watched from the other side. OMG it was hilarious. George purposed to Briana too which made her day..it was so cute. Then he kissed her on the cheek forever while Ellicia caught it on camera. She was quick to point out that I was the ONLY one who didn't get a kiss! I didn't even notice! THANX a lot Ellcia! Devon gave me an army man with unlimited grenades named Dev.

After exchanging 'love & goodbyes' we called it a night. It was a very hyper car ride home and a hard time sleeeeeeeeepin. It was the most fun I've had in a long time. Bri and I made a pack to never forget how to have fun, we've seen it happen to too many people.

Come to the Embassy this Saturday for a free show! July 9/05
AND AGAIN on the 29th to see the imfamous local SHOTGUN RULES!

Anyway I LOVE YOU -->The Fully Down (thanx!) Gab, Rich, Devon, Bri, Ellicia, Shotgun Rules, Ric, Joe! Seconds 2 Go, Nick! Thanx for an awesome night!

OH and Don't forget about the kid with the ringtones. He is soooo cool...
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