Title: The Sterling Job: Part One
Rating: PG-13 (perhaps stronger? Never good at rating stories)
Warnings: non-graphic slash relationship, descriptions of child abuse/rape
Characters: Jim Sterling, The Leverage Team, NCIS, Midsomer Murders
Summary: Sterling re-enters the Leverage Team's lives in a startling way, forcing them to join forces with NCIS to find out who is trying to kill ... who?
Word Count: 9,010
Okay, I'm a shameless fan of Mark Sheppard's and I really think Sterling can be much more then he has been so far. After all, while he is opposing the Leverage team, he is on the side of the law, even if he does take a bit too much glee in it. This is the first of at least two unrelated or alternate Sterling stories. And I'm going to have to work fast in order to finish them before the episode with Sterling airs!