Keeping abreast

Apr 06, 2016 00:19

pocky: I'm chatting with a guy on tinder and he used the word "whilst"
pocky: who uses that word
pocky: ABREAST
pocky: THOUST
pocky: YOUST

rayhawk: it's a hipster thing
rayhawk: I do like abreast from time to time

pocky: haha
pocky: I know that word is great
pocky: hipsters use whilst?
pocky: I mean maybe in a blog post where they're trying to sound all glib and shit
pocky: but not on tinder!!

rayhawk: nah tindr is no exception to hipster vocabularism
rayhawk: I used wherein yesterday
rayhawk: it felt great

pocky: wherein can work. It's like a smart sort of word.
pocky: Whilst is like, traipsing or whatever

rayhawk: oh man I use traipse ALL THE TIME
rayhawk: I'm surprised you haven't heard me use it

pocky: traipse is better than whilst

rayhawk: obviously

pocky: whilst is just trying too hard

rayhawk: indubitably

pocky: :P
pocky: mike your challenge is to use the word abreast 5 times today.
pocky: use it on sistersolace haha

rayhawk: sistersolace uses abreast on me pretty regularly, according to my chat logs

pocky: haha really?!

rayhawk: yeah that's a totally normal word

pocky: what
pocky: it has breast in it

rayhawk: so does sistersolace

sistersolace: /looks down
sistersolace: /pokes
sistersolace: it's more... on me than IN me, really.

pocky: haha
pocky: I've never heard anyone say it loud when talking normally!

rayhawk: really?

pocky: yeah unless they were trying to be fancy or whatever

rayhawk: maybe they don't use it around you because they're worried you'll be sensitive about it

pocky: Yeah i might laugh at it
pocky: prob inside my head
pocky: if they're a friend I'll call it out

rayhawk: like "pocky, keep me abreast of your progress on the - oh I'm so sorry. I meant keep me up to date"

pocky: hahaa
pocky: there are too many other words

sistersolace: you're making me giggle in the library!

rayhawk: thanks for keeping me abreast of your library experience

pocky: hahaa

sistersolace: mike! what if you remember that you like sleeping in the bed by yourself without me putting my butt on you all the time and you don't want me to come home?

rayhawk: then the next couple of days will be pretty great I guess?
rayhawk: like woo, no butts
rayhawk: if there's one thing I can't stand? BUTTS
rayhawk: anyway I guess I'll keep you abreast of developments in butt affinity

sistersolace: that's two in an hour. you're doing well on the pocky-a-breast challenge!
sistersolace: there's a fancy restaurant next door
sistersolace: it seems dumb to eat there by myself though. :c

rayhawk: maybe you can invite kittenrae and adam?

sistersolace: i think they're like an hour and a half away from me. :/
sistersolace: oh, maybe it's only 25 minutes. for some reason i thought they were on the WAAAAY other side of the city

rayhawk: see! no problem then. dinner company ahoy

sistersolace: so not very far at all

rayhawk: you should keep them abreast of your plans

sistersolace: 3!
sistersolace: how many times were you supposed to?
sistersolace: 5?

rayhawk: 5
sistersolace: How is your day going?

rayhawk: Just tried to catch an hour of sleep, partial intermittent success
rayhawk: Got to put dinner together and then do all the work I didn't do today because I was too sleepy

sistersolace: Aw. :( I'm sorry you're so sleep deprived
sistersolace: If you want to let me know when you guys are done with dinner I can probably webcam with all of you?

rayhawk: Ok! I'll keep you abreast

sistersolace: If you cook chicken, you should cook a breast!

rayhawk: All right, I should get out of bed. At this point I'm wondering if I should just give up rest
rayhawk: This sleep deprivation has really got me feeling oppressed
rayhawk: Instead of normal rest I'm just getting ab-normal ab-rest
rayhawk: It's cold outside!
rayhawk: It's a brr. It's even brr-er than yesterday. It's a brr-est
rayhawk: It wouldn't be so bad except for the wind
rayhawk: We need more trees to act as a windbreak
rayhawk: We should hire an arborist

sistersolace: Are my flowers ok?

rayhawk: We brought them in out of the cold, but it doesn't look like they're recovering
rayhawk: I think they got too frozen

sistersolace: Oh no. :c
sistersolace: Poor flowers

rayhawk: They may have to be up-rootsed
rayhawk: Tough to say. We may need to call a priest.

sistersolace: Uhh oh. :c I could call Gary?

rayhawk: There might still be hope. We could have them a-blessed
rayhawk: But if not, maybe they can be preserved in memorium. We could have them a-brassed.
rayhawk: They might not even be Christian flowers! I'll have to check and see if they're a-brissed

sistersolace: Lololol

rayhawk: Haha
rayhawk: are you suitably impressed

sistersolace: Yes. XD at first I was like "...?" But then I caught on
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