Sure, Fine.Whatever.

Aug 22, 2011 04:05

Fannish things (real life update at some point.probably.)
-I should not have agreed to rewatch the 2Shy episode of The X-Files so late tonight. Just so creeped & grossed out.  A  fat eating vampire.UGH. Nighmare fuel. Watching Syzygy after that though was a good call though. "Happy Birthday, Bitch." There is some point where the girls are dancing to a Live song and I felt embarassed for the 90s. Scully and Mulder's sniping in that episode was just wonderful. Though to be fair Scully, in general, is wonderful.

-Enjoying Alphas a lot, mostly because of the characters and their relationships. Rachel, Nina and Gary are my faves atm. I love how easily they could have made Nina a manipulative woman stereotype, but she's more nuanced. Her big sister relationship with Rachel is really cute. Rachel is so relatable and her personal challenges (familial and alpha power wise) just break my heart. Bill is also growing on me after last week's episode. I like how Gary seems to idolize him. Hicks though, meh. I like his parkour stunts even if they aren't always necessary,  they look cool. He still comes off so bland though.I couldn't help but wonder if he tasted like cardboard when Nina kissed him. I hope their relationship is handled well.

-Gave up on Torchwood Miracle Day after the fifth episode. Someone please hold me to never watching anything RTD does from now on (though I might just marathon the last three episodes when its all over). Having terrible, serious things happen to your characters doesn't make your show deep or meaningful. There's got to be more to it. Things have to make some semblance of sense and the viewer needs to have some sort of connection with the characters. I am honestly baffled by how bad this show is considering that the writers are from some great American genre shows (Buffy, X-Files, BSG, SPN). Capt Jack/John Barrowman & Eve Myles/Gwen Cooper deserve better. And those new characters, just, no. I  could go on but I'll spare you, just you know, SO MANY FEELINGS. The first two series weren't perfect by any means, but they were fun and even thoughtful at times.
-New season of Bored to Death soon. Fuck yes. This teaser going around of the guys messing around at Coney Island is so cute. But Jason Schwartzman was dressed/styled like that in Season 1 I think? Confused. My life needs more Jason Schwartzman being adorable.

-I am looking forward to the next season of Supernatural. I have faith for some reason. For Cas and for the season as a whole. Crossing my fingers for ninja stars. Don't let me down Edlund.
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