Dec 01, 2004 12:03
Did you guys see that shit? I just watched George Bush's speach to Canada and I couldn't help but be angered. First of all I realized how good he (his speachwriter) is at what he does, because it can be hard to disagree with what he says. First off he started by giving us a blowjob we deserved and forgot about years ago. He thanked us repeatedly for opening up hour homes, and as he felt the need to bring up, our churches for the missplaced travellers of America and the world on September 11th and the days after. Now as I watched, at first I almost started to like him. "Wow," I thought, "he's actually thanking us for that seemingly selfless act we were forced to commit 3 years ago." And that's when the blowjob angle hit me. He was sucking our cock, and truth be told it felt kinda good. But then I remembered that I wanted it sucked years ago, when we were repeatedly snubbed despite the fact that we never did anything but live into the stereotype of friendliness. I guess he heard me thinking this, because he pulled it out. Then he went into the whole 'freedom' thing he does so well. I was offended that Paul Martin was able to just sit there with a smile, like the slightly confused and weakened stroke victem he makes hismelf out to be. I didn't want to believe that my leader could just listen to Bush ramble about how we are helping fight terror without jumping up and proving him wrong. It's the freedom thing that gets me the most, and on that note I think Osama bin Laden said it best so I urge you to read his last televised address. It was much more coherent. But as Bush went on about how once democracy is established in Iraq, the terrorists are afraid because it will spread throughout the middle east, I realized what we are living through. This is the White Man's Burden all over again. I'm sure it's been said before but I've never thought about this. I've said before how America is just the predominant modern day imperialist. Where once, capitalist imperialism was justified by civilizing the savages, now it is justified by freeing the supposed oppressed. The hypocracy of said justification is much greater than that of the old colonialism, and I hope that doesn't need to be explained (we made our own mess then make fixing it look ritchous, etc). He ended his speech by spitting on the intended secular nature of our country by repeatedly stating that we were blessed by God, or something to that effect, which I found kind of disturbing. I'm relatively confident that in the future we will look back and Freedom will be to us what cleanliness and 'civilization' was to our cracker relatives. We have no more right now to force a style of leadership on people than we did trying to force a style of living. You know it worries me when the world's most powerful leader can make you think you're living in the late 18th century, the Crusades, and Nazi Germany at the same time.