Oct 11, 2004 00:23


1. I am maximizing this window, expecting to hear Tom Cruise yelling "Suck my big fat fucking sauce-edge," a clip from Magnolia that plays on my computer whenever I maximize a window. Naturally I shall not hear this, because I am not on my computer.
2. I am wearing a foam shark hat. This was purchased for me the summer before last by Kent Gilroy while I was taking my G1 test the first time.
3. I am opening a can of 7UP so that it will motivate me to stay awake.
4. There is a mouse in my house. He is cute.
5. We have over visitors, family from over seas. My Scottish second cousin and his English first wife.
6. I am receiving messages telling me that Shannon didn't receive my MSN messages. I creatively changed my name to MSN name SOS. I like it.
7. I have reminded myself of the trailer for Hulk, which I quite fancied.
8. I'm listening to music because my mum is loud and annoying when she is drunk.
9. My mum is the only person in the house unaware of the mouse. If she did know we would probably be moved out by now. I'm pretty sure Oscar doesn't know about it.
10. I'm taking off my shirt because my room is a "sweat box" as senior would put it.
11. I've reminded myself of FranknFro, thus have put myself in a reminiscent mood, and shall commence recording these reminiscing.
12. I'm certain it isn't spelt "reminisce" and I hope that by the time this is over I've got the energy to make sure it is corrected.
13. I'm not going to remember everything I want to write about.
14. Because 13 is an occultist number.

FUCK SETUL: The Story of Friday to Early Saturday

Friday no doubt started for me in the AM hours. Now the silly thing is that the day starts at 12, then goes on to 1, 2, etc. Does this make sense to you? Of course not. This is why I like digital watches because you can set them to 24-hour time. The thing is I would prefer a pocket watch to a wrist watch, so for now I'm once again stuck with an inferior time telling system. I suppose I won't have to worry come the age of world wide metric time. I would recount to you what exactly I was doing before I went to sleep, but those hours are lost to my memory. I'll hazard to guess that I was in maisonette 13, trying to read Frankenstein. I'm almost certain that I go there so often because I've got a thing for Andrea. I have just now come to the realization that she is not in fact the first blond girl I've ever liked. There was Katharine and there may have been more. She makes me wish I was a figure skater. So I must have ended up in my bed at some point. My room may have stunk... No. My room did smell. If in fact I was in 13 that morning it was because I had left my own room several hours before because of the smell and noise created by my roommate and his friends. So, I slept. I slept through my alarm because I used it to listen to headphones and put me asleep. I woke up at some point and took off and unplugged the headphones so that when the music of the alarm started playing it would come out of the speakers, but I forgot to turn up the volume. So half way through the APC CD that my brother Mike had made for me, I was struck by a Coke bottle. Tyler had thrown it at me. He's in the other room of the house, and he and I had the same class that morning. I immediately shot up, and I believe said, "good call!" I say this a little too often now. I do find it humorous that I knew what was going on. To save time, we made it to class and sat down next to Christina Morra, a girl from my high school. a few minutes later Greg from Tyler and my residence came in much to our surprise. He sat with us too. At one point we were given a break and the three of us boys ventured off to find a place to buy Coke. It turned out to be quite a hike. On the way back we stopped outside a class because we saw a girl from our residence inside. We danced outside, and then she noticed so we left. We arrived in class late. I love university.

Tyler and I walked back home together because Greg left early. Upon our arrival home I saw that my dad was sitting on the wooden hand rails outside of my building. "How long have you been waiting?" I asked.
"Hours," was his response. This was a joke so I wasn't too worried. In no time, we were off to the place of my upbringing, Mississauga. Now to me Mississauga was too large a place for me to associate as "home," so I called home the town of Streetsville. This is a small little town known as "the village in the city." It's a beautiful place, one where I intend to raise my litter. I dropped of my luggage at home, then was off to Streetsville Secondary School, my old high school, to visit teachers and left behind friends. As soon as I got in the school it struck me how odd it was. It was familiar, yet I didn't think it should be. I made my way to the old cafeteria. At first the only person I saw was a young girl named Carolyn. Or maybe her name is Caralyn, but that doesn't seem very realistic. This girl holds on odd little place in my head. The first time I met her was on a date with a young girl named Shannon. I won't get into the place she holds in my head, that's a whole different crate of beans. From Lebanon. With no labels on any of the cans. But as for Carolyn, I barely know her, but kind of wish that I did because she seems like the kind of person I would like to know. That was a little pointless, but some sometimes the fact that a sentence exists is the point of it's existence. For some reason, I think I see Carolyn everywhere. I'll be sitting in a lecture when I look down to see the back of a girl's head who looks like Carolyn, but can't be. So I went and stood in front of her but she didn't look up from her work. Upon doing this I felt like I had done it before. I then came to the conclusion that I had done it with both her and Shannon in the past. Funny how that works. So soon after that Darren, the guy I was there to meet, came in. We embraced and sat down to jive. It wasn't long before more people came along. Then my old partner in crime, Kent Gilroy, came by. He was quite surprised to see me and I was quite pleased to be seen by him. In my life he is near the top of the list of people that I have hated with a burning intensity at one time or another, but I've come to the conclusion that he is as innocent as he is an ass hole. He told me that he was going back to class, and much to my pleasure I learnt it was the same class and same teacher I wanted to visit. I followed him to his portable class, and saw my good friend Mathew Brown in the window, someone I wasn't expecting to see until after school. As I got even closer out came another person who reminded me of better times, Taylor Zuliniak. At one point Taylor had been a superior human being in that he was entertaining as chimps. Within time though he became a demi-god to all the lesser humans like Kent and many others. They ended up all becoming sub-standard caricatures of Taylor. This in turn forced him to become a caricature of the overall group and to lose his originality to the temptation of having a following. Nevertheless, Taylor and I still loved each other like old war buddies should. I then pulled myself up to the window Mat was next to. This wasn't smart because it left me vulnerable to Kent trying to push me through, which alerted the teacher to my presence. This worked in my favour though because it saved me having to awkwardly knock on the door. So I ended up speaking with the teacher, Miss Hawthorne, for quite some time. I wanted to speak with her because I wanted to thank her. She had drilled into our heads this little memory aid about two English philosophers, that was "Locke good, Hobbes bad." I wanted to tell her that I had thus far used it in 4 out of my 5 classes. She was pleased to learn this. soon enough it came time for us to part ways. I stuck my head in the window again just as she was explaining to the class what had just happened. I was telling Mat to meet me in the cafeteria, but then she saw me and says "oh, there he is." I fled the scene.

I ended up walking around with Darren and we came across another former student named Heather whom I didn't really know because I didn't get involved in our school's drama program until after she left, which I believe is why Darren knew her. I went and spoke with another teacher who taught me history and had a very pleasant chat with him. Then Darren and I went to visit my favourite teacher, my Drama teacher Mrs. Legault. Whenever I used to knock on her door I would always knock continually until she answered, or knock frantically then act calm when she answered. As it turns out, so do most other drama students. After we knocked I stood behind some lockers so she could only see Darren. She came to the door. "Oh hi Darren. See I knew it would be a drama student. But I can't talk right now I'm in the middle of a crisis."
As she began to close the door, Darren proclaimed "but wait! There's more!"
Once I knew that she was reopening the door I sprung out in a rather "tadaaaa" manner. She was in mid sentence and her body reacted before her words did. She suddenly became happy and brought me in for a hug, then stopped talking and just making noises of excitement. The usual 'how/where are you' conversation ensued. But as she said to Darren she was in fact in the middle of a crisis, so our meeting was cut short. She told me that she would be the last person I see at commencement, so I was happy with that. I later learned that a part of the crisis was that they were "counting" teachers, meaning some layoffs were impending. I went and saw my other drama teacher, Mr. Stern. That was an odd conversation, mainly because he's an odd guy. I look up to him though, so I find talking to him difficult, I prefer to just listen. As it turns out he is friends with my English professor who I had been listening to only a few hours before. Eventually he left and I went out into the hall and saw my good old friend Nathan. I'm supposed to write to him, and I do intend to. My trip to school ended with Mat and I walking around discovering that they had created all sorts of amazing clubs This year, most notably one appreciating and interpreting things like The Matrix and the music of Tool.

Mat and I went and got subs from my regular Mr. Sub, who I had seen earlier that day but not gotten anything from. That was splendid to say the very least. We then walked through Streetsville. We decided to go to the Laughlin Residence to see if Kristian was back yet. As we approached his house we heard a grunt coming from the garage. It turned out to be Kristian who was loading all kinds of alcohol into his fridge. We stopped here and had a very nice chat with him. We then ventured on to visit Kristian's roommate, and my personal hero, Jesse Edwards. We talked with Jesse for a long time about all sorts of things. Now Jesse and I have this thing, but it's more Jesse's thing. Basically, he likes to touch my teeth. usually he only touches the top front two, but since he hadn't done it in a while, I guess he was feeling adventurous. He jumped to the bottom teeth, which I could handle even though he was now touching my bottom lip. Then he went crazy and went all the way back to the wisdom teeth. I stopped him around there. We eventually parted with old Scresse and made our way back to my house.

Upon arriving at my house, we dropped acid and sat around for a while. Somehow my fellow Eric came by, and we all ended up going to see some movie with a bunch of people. Now I was against this movie, because if you've seen one football movie, you've seen them all. And we were right, this one was no hot shit. That is unless you didn't care that it was in fact cold shit, or you brought a blow torch to make sure it was hot ass shit. We all then went over to this dealers house and watched this messed up underage porn video. Mat has played the piano since he was a kid, so he busted out this guy's old keyboard and played us some tunes. Now I should tell you about Eric. We call him Heroin Eric. That's because the dude's afraid of needles and any drug really. All he does is drink. He's a science major which doesn't fucking help because now he just finds out more and more shit about how horrible drugs are. Punk rock!*. So I went home and slept.

To be contin Sat Day

On to a more feasible style of writing huh? Saturday was bitchen. For the later part of the day, I recommend you go and visit Mike's journal. Of course you have to find your own way there. There's pictures. Naughty pictures. And I think I am posing in every one. Sorry Mike. So today I had to run some errands, but me and me mum forgot about most of them after completing the first one. That first one was getting passport pictures taken, as we've decided it wise to take advantage if my ability to get a European passport while I still can. For this we had to go to Geldar's Fine Arts. I love this place and think Geldar is the fucking man. That simple. The dude once went on a hunger strike when the government was culling Canadian Geese, this was when he was well over 70. May not be bigger than Jesus, but he might just be better. I want to buy some of his art, but I don't think I'll get enough money before he kicks it, knock on wood. But yah, he took my picture and it's better than my Canadian passport photo, but I'm okay with that. We were also supposed to get me a white shirt and black tie for commencement, but that didn't happen. I also wanted to pick up the new Greenday album. I listened to my dad's copy and it blew my mind, so I need to support those bad boys.

So eventually Eric and Mat ended up at my house, and so too did Mike and Nic. he plan was to go and play Risk at Colin's then go to a movie. We got to Colin's and saw all sorts of bitchen people, but Risk never got under way so we went to the movies. We ended up seeing the English comedy Shaun of the Dead which I heard was quite good, and it was. Oddly enough we ran into Heather, who I had just been properly been introduced to for the first time the day before. I smell Christmas and I want it. The movie was ass kicking then we went back to Colin's to find they were playing a game for X-box game with boobies. Nuff said. It was kind of a sad excuse to have boobies in a game, but it was an alright idea for a game I guess. Naturally the kind of girls willing to take their girls off for a video game weren't the best looking. But what can you do. We ended up leaving and sleep probably ensued.


I slept in. Then my second cousin and his wife came. Before that my dad and I were hunting a mouse in my living room. That was fun. My mother mustn't know about it. If she did, we would have to move. As a child she had a very traumatizing experience involving rats in London, hence rodents and her aren't cool. We couldn't get him. We were worried a sit-com like scenario would ensue where we two know about it and it keeps popping up at a bad time and we have to keep people from noticing it. When people got there I saw it making a run for it into the dining room, where we were soon to dine. He got away. I told my dad of the development, and he told the guests who didn't mind. I was actually drunk. I got through half a Strongbow (really fast mind you) and was actually feeling buzzed. I came to the conclusion that if that was a permanent trait it would be cool because I could get to the right level of intoxication without spending ass loads of money. But yah. I ate a lot, more than anybody really. Then I went to Mat's. We did nothing really. I came back here, still no mouse. Now I'm here. And I have to read. I was right. I didn't remember everything I wanted to write about. That's sad. When I write things, they become history, and that is the only way to learn. But oh well. I go back to the "loo" tomorrow. That means toilet.

I just remembered, but then forgot again. I think it had to do with MSN. It was probably about Girls and how I wanted to talk about girls. Sorry. If you read that you are for sure sick.

*That was an obscure reference to a movie I've never really seen called SLC Punk. I'm sorry.
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