1. This is pretty cool:
Miss. State thankful for life-saving effort In conclusion, the best place to have a heart attack is in the middle of a track tournament.
2. I went to the top of the North Campus hill to watch the graduation fireworks last night. They were... kind of lacking. For shame, UGA. More than a few duds. But then I wandered around downtown for awhile, and the sheer amount of hope and optimism radiating from all the smiley students was the most depressing thing ever. I'd rather do Christmas and my birthday on my own again about sixty times. Geez.
3. But Mike posted this and it made me feel better, and if I ever graduate from UGA (LOLZ YEAH RIGHT) I expect some of my adorable Garnet and Gold jackass friends to come and blast this at me. Live or a recording, whatever.
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what do i have to take off
to make it rain out here?!