Aug 24, 2010 23:42
Today totally fried my brain.
Foreign Policy wasn't so bad, aside from it being at 8am. I honestly don't even remember what we did in there in any detail. Set up the assigned seating and talked about the divisiveness of American political culture, I think. There was history. History means I quit taking notes and try not to be That Kid Who Knows Everything. I think I daydreamed a lot.
In between I went outside to find a bench, since it was cold inside again and nice outside (feels like fall), and discovered that using my jacket as a pillow on the big marble slabs whose purpose I have not yet uncovered works fantastically. There were several others out there. I took a very yummy nap in the sunshine.
Russian was harsh. I got called on about three times. I didn't really understand what was going on for one question. He wanted me to name the countries, in Russian, that use the Euro. The list we were working with was predominantly European countries, and most of them use the Euro in some capacity. So I just started listing, and he didn't really like my answers. Anya said after class that the look on my face was hilarious. I recognized that the guy who sits next to me also rides my bus in the morning (different apartment complex). Two guys had apparently claimed Barefoot Day and walked around barefoot. I inquired and got sheepish smiles in return. I got nothin'.
Lunch. Discovered where on campus to get Icees. Did some reading while I ate. Chilled out watching SportsCenter to finish the Icee and let my crappy food service lunch settle before scaling the massive hill.
Library to do more reading until class. Claiming the fourth floor--the world history floor--as my spot. There are little niches in the far wall built into the windows with tables and electrical outlets. When I need to hole up and cram for six hours, I am so going there. They're awesome.
Intel. Onset of brain fatigue. Went over the functions and organizational layout of the 16 major intel agencies. Lots of Cold War history. Couldn't remember what exactly Edward Teller did and kicked myself a ton. Got organized into groups, although we never met our group-mates. There is a girl in there who is part of a trio of gigglers I have to sit next to in Foreign Policy who giggled about my group's set of last names (all S's, and fairly Germanic). This was after hearing giggling in Foreign Policy because someone's last name sounded like another word. How old are we? 12? I missed being in her group by ONE NAME. Thank God for major blessings.
Bus. More reading. Bus driver who couldn't drive. So happy to get off that bus. When small children are flying down the aisle, it's time to quit raping that brake pedal.
NAAAAP TIIIIMMMEEEE. And dinner after (a egg-ham-and-cheese sandwich; I'm sophisticated).
Russian homework done. 4 more pages of reading to do tonight, since I don't do the comparative politics readings. And then I'm playing some fucking solitaire or something else happy fun brain relaxing.
Food services orientation on the 27th, oh this is going to kill my soul. If I ever needed motivation not to slack off... working minimum wage in food services is gonna do it. I WILL NOT DO THIS FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE SO HELP ME GOD.
i <3 pepsi.
undergrad part 2,
ia makes the world go round