Week 20 Theme

Jul 01, 2007 14:53

Sorry this is late, busy weekend.

Week 20: Textures
This week you have to use one or more of these given textures on your icon. Please include the settings (ex: Lighten 100% or Multiply 28%, etc) and which texture you used with your submission.

_iconographer - ytiralc - jubilli

Number of entries: 03

[x] One icon submission per person.
[x] Meet LJ standards (100x100 / 40K or less .jpg, .gif or .png only).
[x] Follow submission guidelines (detailed in userinfo).
[x] Live Journal userpics is not an acceptable form of image hosting.
[x] Mods reserve the right to accept or deny your submission.
[x] Please remember to submit in the proper format, you can find it in our userinfo.

Submit icons to this screened post by Friday, June 22nd, 10pm GMT. I live in Iceland on GMT Greenvich time. Please keep in mind. :)

submit, week 20, textures

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