May 30, 2005 21:27
This weekend was so much fun. I wen to Cedar Point with Tia. It was the most fun I have ever had in a long time. Seriously, there want any complaining, bitching, or negativety that made my vacation bad. I am so glad that i went because i just needed to get away. Cedar Point was possibly the funnest weekend of my life. Especially because i spent it with one of my best friends. we rode every single ride. i'd have to say top trill dragster is my favorite, even though both times i rode i could have peed my pants. AND we got to ride Millenium the DARK. As ben would say it was "tits". it did rain like 3 times during the day and each time we got soaked, but it was fun. Heidi jumped in the friggen fountian there too...funny stuff. I am so glad that you invited me Tia. It was so much fun. P.S.....To all the bitches that read my live journal only to snoop around in my business can go to hell and suck on a big fat elephant wang. And Steph...i dare you to threaten me again....i dare you. Oh and you can go suck a big fat one too! for telling Christine i had a live journal, besides you would probably like it anyways. I am changing my settings so if you arent my friend or if you have no name, dont expect to read anymore of my live journal. I mean not to be a bitch or anything...its just the way things have to be