May 24, 2005 08:23
Don’t you just love people who like to make stuff up? Well I do. I could never tell you how much I enjoy hearing lies from people, especially lies about myself. It is such a joy to hear from someone, that heard it from another certain someone, that I was bitchy to them all day long. When actually I wasn’t. I really only talked to that person for like the 5 minutes I wasn’t doing my work. This kind of stuff absolutely just makes my day. Oh and the best part was, because people like to lie about stuff, Rachel didn’t get her truck fixed yesterday, gosh. I really love not having a car, because therefore I cant get a job. Then I never have any money. Resulting in…me not paying certain people back their money, which never should have been spent in the first place. So I guess it all boils down to, If you lie, you’re gonna get whats coming to ya.
I know I haven’t been one of the best truth tellers in the past couple of months, but I already got what I deserved for doing so. I have learned not to lie or keep things from people who I really love and care about. It only ends up hurting yourself and the person you care about.