Dec 27, 2013 07:56
So, I really do need to learn to communicate better. I'm a hell of a writer, but its not really communication.
I guess I'm a stereotypical Scorpio. We keep secrets. Upon reflection I see that I'll tell almost anyone anything, but only if they ask, and then I give them only what they ask for and nothing more.
I'm also an introvert, which, I'm sure, just magnifies this by leaps and bounds.
How does one learn to open up emotionally? How do you decide what to volunteer and when?
I also seem to be cursed with the ability to pretty much all sides of any argument, and this can often stop me from making decisions. How do you decide in favor of one side of an argument or the other when they both have valid points, and often, equally valid points?
If you've been told by people that you're a great communicator, what is it you do? What process do you use to decide what to tell people and what not to tell people?
I know I'm only scratching the surface here. But I've run out of thoughts on ways to approach the matter for now.