Stole this from Lisa for the second time...

Aug 06, 2005 00:06

f i r s t s
First real kiss: Summer of Freshman year
First break-up: lol...Nick in 5th, who dumped me for Alex :o(
First screen name: SunRay1989
First self purchased album: Hm...Probably GC
First piercing/tattoo: Ears for my tenth(?) birthday
First credit card: Still lacking
First true love: Eigth grade
First enemy: Hm...possibly 5th though I don't know if you'd count her as that

l a s t s
Last car ride: This morning when Beck picked me up from Lisa's
Last kiss: April
Last good cry: July 20/21, 2005
Last library book checked out: Harry Potter and the Srcerer's Stone, lol, though Beck got it for me, so I don't know if that counts
Last beverage drank: Uh...My water ice had melted, Kiwi-Strawberry
Last food consumed: Pretzel
Last phone call: The BMW place for my dad
Last time showered: Yesterday, though I plan on doing that after I finish this
Last shoes worn: My pink flip-flops
Last item bought: The ticket to Alison's play
Last annoyance: How freakin hot it is

r e l a t i o n s h i p s
who are your best friends? Kristen, Laura, Jenny, Lisa, and Mark
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope
who is your crush? Not sure
are you a virgin? Yes

s p e c i f i c s
what kind of shampoo do you use? Herbal Essence
What are you most scared of? The Dark
what are you listening to right now? The crickets outside
where do you want to get married? A church
how many buddies are online right now? 30
what would you change about yourself? A few things

f a v o r i t e s
color: Blue
food: Breads
boys' names: Matthew
girls' names: Zoey
subjects in school: English, History, and Music
animals: Bears
sports: to play, Softball, to watch, Soccer/Football

h a v e | y o u | e v e r
given anyone a bath? Nope
smoked? No
bungee jumped? No, but I plan on doing it someday
made yourself throw up? No, but the thought crosses your mind at Track a couple times
skinny dipped? Nope
been in love? Yes
made yourself cry to get out of trouble? Most likely
pictured your crush naked? No, can't say I have
actually seen your crush naked? No
cried when someone died? Yes
fallen for your best friend? Yes
been rejected? Yes
rejected someone? Yes
used someone? No
done something you regret? I might later in life

c u r r e n t
clothes: Shorts and a tank top
smell: It's a pretty hazy smell
favorite artist: Hm...currently, undecided, but I'll always love Billy Joel

l a s t p e r s o n
you touched: Franz, when I helped him with his foot
hugged: My mom
You imed: Not sure, Annie was the last to IM me

a r e y o u
understanding: Yes
Openminded: Yes
arrogant: I don't think so
insecure: At times
interesting: Most likely
hungry: Nope
smart: A good deal of the times
moody: Not often
hardworking: Usualy
organized: With every minus my room
healthy: I'd like to be more
shy: In the begining
attractive: I don't believe so
bored easily: Once in a while
responsible: Yes
angry: No
sad: Not really
disappointed: Slightly
happy: A good deal of the time
hyper: I was last night/morning at the sleepoverrrr
trusting: Yes
talkative: Most definitly
legal: Not yet

w h o d o y o u w a n n a
kill: None of the above
get high with: Preferrably no one
look like: My self
talk to offline: Kristen
talk to online: Tyler

w h i c h i s b e t t e r
coke or pepsi: Sprite
flowers or candy: Flowers
tall or short: Tall
Weed or ciggarettes: Neither
brown or blonde: Brunette

r a n d o m
in the morning i am: still asleep.
all i need is: a shower right now.
love is: tricky, but so worth it.
i dream about: strange things.
what do you notice first: Eyes and smile
last person you danced with: The girls in Germany!
Who makes you smile: Anyone can make me smile usually
who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: Not sure at the moment
who has a crush on you: I thought he did

d o y o u e v e r
sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: I'm not gonna lie, I have and sometimes do
wish you were a member of the opposite sex: Nope
wish you were younger: Yes, I'd prefer to be five, though seven wouldn't be that bad

n u m b e r
of times i have had my heart broken: Four
of hearts i have broken: Two? maybe Three
of guys i've kissed: Four
of girls i've kissed: None
of continents i have lived in: I guess you could say two, I was in the one for a month and I lived there
of tight friends: About seven
of cds i own: Hm...Guestamating about 20
of scars on body: Too many to count

[Full name]: Rachel Elizabeth Ann Lichtner
[Male/Female]: Female
[Birthdate]: March 31, 1989
[Nationality]: German and Irish
[Birthplace]: Rolling Hill Hospital, Philly
[Current Residence]: Southampton

[Wallet]: Black leatherish type, pretty new
[Jewelry worn daily]: A necklace and earings, though they vary
[Talking to]: Lisa! and my cousin, Annie M!

[You went to the movies with]: Beek, Aly, Joanna, David, and Steph
[You went to the mall with]: Kristen, Laura, Mark, and I'm pretty sure Joe was there also
[Yelled at you]: Poppa

[Said "I love you" and meant it?]: Yes
[Gotten in a fight]: Yes
[Been to New York]: Yes
[Been to Florida]: Yes
[California]: No, but I plan on going
[Hawaii]: Same as above
[China]: No
[Canada]: Yes
[Got a really bad feeling about something then it happened]: Yes
[Wished you were the opposite sex?]: No
[Had an imaginary friend]: Yes, I do remember that when I was little
[Red or Blue]: Blue
[Santa or Rudolph]: Santa
[Math or English]: English

[Spell your first name backwards]: Lehcar
[Story behind your journal user name]: A nickname my older cousin gave me when I was little that stuck around and I think sounds pretty awesome
[Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming months]: Our Belated 4th of July party!!! Geting my pictures back/developed, THE SHORE!!!! And Mads Camp! And Shopping!
[Something that you are deathly afraid of]: The Dark and being Alone
[What type automobile do you drive]: Any of the four in the driveway
[What type automobile do you wish you drove]: A Mini Cooper
[Would you rather be with friends or on a date]: Answer could change depending on the variables
[What are you going to do after you finish this survey]: I'd like to shower then sleep, though I'm thinking about pushing the shower off till tomorrow cause I'm dead
[What was the last food you ate]: A Pretzel
[High school or college]: High School
[Are you bored]: mm...Slightly
[How many buddies are on]: 31
[What was the last movie you saw]: School of Rock
[What was the last noise you heard]: The Wallflowers playing on Franz's laptop
[What was the last time you went out of the state]: June/July
[What book are you reading now]: HP year 1
[What's on your mouse pad]: Verizon
[What's your favorite board game]: I used to love Clue
[What's the worst feeling in the world]: That short period after a break up or when something tragic occurs
[Future daughter's name]: Zoey, Cassy
[Future son's name]: Matthew, Ryan
[Do you sleep with a stuffed animal]: Yes, Teddy <3
[Eye color]: L-Blue R-Green, or other way around depending on how you look at it
[Height currently]: 5' 3" I think
[College plans]: Major-Elementary/Secondary Education, Minor-Music or German
[Are you happy with your life]: I am...for the most part. Once August leaves, it'll be a different story
[Do you believe in love]: Yes
[Do you believe in soul mates]: For the most part
[Do you believe in love at first sight]: No
[Do you believe in forgiveness]: Yes


[Cried]: During Now and Then at Lisa's, though that's pushing the 24 hours
[Bought something]: Sort pictures are being developed and I have to pay for them
[Gotten sick]: No
[Sang]: Of course
[Eaten]: Yes
[Been kissed]: No
[Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't]: No
[Met someone new]: Sort of
[Moved on]: A bit
[Talked to an ex]: Yes
[Missed an ex]: Not exactly
[Had a serious talk]: Yes, I think
[Hugged someone]: Yes
[Fought with your parents]: Sort of
[Dreamed about someone you can't be with]: No, I think, I don't remember at the moment lol


[Boyfriend/Girlfriend]: Single
[Where is the best hangout]: At a friend's house
[Do you like being around people]: Yes
[Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you]: I've thought about it lol
[Rather have a relationship or a "hookup"]: Relationship
[Want someone you don't have right now]: Possibly
[Do you want to get married]: Yes
[Do you want kids]: Yes
[What is your favorite part of your physical appearance]: Freckles and maybe eyes, though I've been doubting that
[What is your favorite part of your emotional being]: I think I'm a good person

Short Answer
.: x hair color- Brunette
.: x eye color- Blue/Green
.: x height- 5’ 3"
.: x short or long hair- Shoulder
.: x prep, skater, jock, etc- Average
.: x teeth- Straight

The first time it just hated me.
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