Sammy wouldn't go to sleep until 11:30 last night. Then Dad and Sally came and it was all like =(... I spent the last 30 minutes watching the Fresh Prince on Nick at Nite.
Today, though I'm going to Mom's house! And getting the Sims 2!!! =D
maybe I could work on another stuffed animal today... yesterday, I worked for 2 and a half hours on this super-cute stuffed animal for my best frieind Katie for her birthday (October 4). it is made out of this green fabric with small white dots on it. what I did was I cut out all four legs, the body, the tail and the head/neck. then I sewed the bottom and the top pieces together, then I turned it inside-out, then I stuffed all of them, and THEN I sewed the body parts together with this thick pink thread. and for his eyes, I sewed on two pink heart buttons. all hand sewed. and it's so cute. i named him Bucky. he's a long-neck dinosaur thing. he's really cute. oh and then I sewed a crappy smile on him, which makes him even cuter. if you've ever read Lenore, then you know mr. gosh? bucky is like a little bit cuter than mr. gosh! =)
also, yesterday, I sorta had a good time... the 'family' drove to Little 5 Points, and we shopped around this really really cool Indian store, where they sold these pretty clothes, and jewelry. I got 3 sets of bangles. Right now I'm wearing my green bangles. If you don't know what bangles are, they're lots and lots of thin bracelets that you wear together, and when you move your arm, then it makes this pretty jingling sound. =)
i really want henna hands. D=