8 days til Yamabuta's birthday

May 01, 2013 12:48

I'm so evil >< saying the handsome Yamada a pig. THAT WAS YEARS AGO :) i should be ashamed of my self. 笑

NEWS! There is a Fansign Event for Yamada Ryosuke's birthday. The participants are mostly Filipinos but international fans are welcome to join!

here's the link! https://www.facebook.com/events/162482807250872/?context=create

Just talking about the competition makes my heart "doki-doki". I'm planning on joining the event since I want to have the prizes. If you're interested, then go to that link to know what exciting prizes they are giving ><

As for the countdown, I just found a Johnny's Jr. audition of Yama-chan.
video link:

I want to have a look on Yamachan's kaa-chan but it seems they haven't showed it.

Let's all celebrate the coming of age ceremony of Yamada Ryosuke!!!

His hair makes him look better. SO HANDSOME! SO CHUBBY!

birthday, yamada ryosuke, hey!say!jump

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