Ed/Roy - Missing You When You're Here

Jun 16, 2007 22:18

Title: Missing You When You're Here
Author: raychcons
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Movie spoilers
Warnings: Ed/Roy [one-sided and yet not] - But Roy/Risa
Summary: They were back, but he was not who Ed loved.
Notes: This fic is based on if Ed and Al found a way back to their own world.
Parts: 2/3 :)

He sat down before Mustang, eyes dark.

“So.. Another world?” The older man asked, and Ed nodded, shrugging a little.

“Yeah. There was a war and I was thrown right into the middle of it.”

“I see. And you said you saw some of us there? Alternates?”

“Yeah. Hughes was there - a officer of some kind. Gracia was there, she was a store owner. I think they got together.. Lust and Scar were there too, but they were fine. Not.. You know.. Evil. Or whatever.” Roy nodded.

“And were we there?”


“Hawkeye and myself?”


“Am I there?” He asked as he looked down at Ed. The small blond smiled up at him.

“Are you where, bastard?” The dark haired man grinned, and leant down to kiss Ed on the lips, soft and tender, a hand brushing against his cheek.

“Am I in your world? The one that you came from?”

“I suppose you were. I think I saw you once. I can’t really remember..”

“Were we together?” Ed blushed violently.

“What? No way..”

“So, Hawkeye doesn’t like me in that world..”

“Oh. You meant her.”

“Yeah, you are there, Roy. But.. We’re not like this. You hate me.” Ed whispered softly.

“I could never hate you,” His lover replied softly, brushing his lips over the blonds neck.

“Oh, you do. And there’s this girl you like.. Risa. You really like her..”

“And you don’t like this?”

“Well, I don’t like it now! Before I came.. Here.. I thought they were perfect for each other.. That you two were perfect for each other.. But now…”

“Now I love you. And you love me.”

“Yes. I won’t be able to stand watching them love each other knowing that you love me! That he loves me!”

“But he doesn’t love you. I do. And we’re different.”

“I know.. I know, Roy.”

“Is that all, sir?” Ed asked, the sad look that had always been in his eyes returning, growing. Even though Al had his body back, even though they were together, he could never be with him. Not anymore.

“Yes.” Ed turned to leave. “Oh, Fullmetal?” Ed turned around, hope caught in his throat at the sound of Mustang’s hopeful voice.

“Do you think Risa would like this necklace?” The man held up a chain of diamonds, and Ed shrugged.

“I guess.” And with that, he turned to leave the office.

“Do you swear never to forget me?” The dark haired man asked as they stood together, Al beside Ed, tears in all their eyes.

“Yes. I swear. I wish you could come, but…”

“I know. He’s there, and there can’t be two of us, right?” He gave a loose, sad chuckle. “I love you. Never forget that - no matter who he is, he will never love you.”

“I know. I love you, Roy.”

“Then I suppose I can let you go. And if I ever meet anyone called Risa Hawkeye, I’ll stay far away, okay?” Ed smiled sadly.


And then he was gone, through the gate to the world where he belonged.

It was pain. A dark, burning pain that consumed him from the inside and cracked his heart into a thousand pieces. And it wasn’t fixable either. And he didn’t want it to leave. It was a painful reminder, a strong memory, telling him that everything was been real.

“Do you swear never to forget me?” Roy asked, tears in his eyes that would never fall. Not in front of Ed. Never in front of Ed.

“Yes. I swear. I wish you could come, but…” His lover trailed off, but he understood. He knew too well why he couldn’t follow.

“I know. He’s there, and there can’t be two of us, right?” His laugh was fake, tired, lost. He had to hide the pain. “I love you. Never forget that - no matter who he is, he will never love you.”

“I know. I love you, Roy.” A memory locked in his heart. He would never forget the soft way that those words fell from his lips, the innocent blush that crossed his cheeks… The adoration in his voice when Edward said his name. Now that he knew, then..

“Then I suppose I can let you go. And if I ever meet anyone called Risa Hawkeye, I’ll stay far away, okay?” Ed smiled sadly. That smile was the last one he would see…

“Okay.” It’s not okay.

And then he was gone, through the gate to the world where he belonged.

Roy turned and walked away, his footsteps echoing quietly around him. If you listened carefully, you could hear his heart breaking.

Now his memories swirled around him, forcing themselves to the front of him mind, Every second made more tears gather until they fell down his face like a waterfall - silent and free. He could remember everything - right from the moment he met Edward to the second he told him that he had to leave.

“Hey! You! Bastard! Stop!” Roy turned, seeing a short, blond man rush up behind him. He raised an eyebrow.

“Excuse me?”

“You heard. What the hell are you doing here? First Al, then Hughes… Who next? Fury? Breda?” Roy shook his head.

“I think you have me confused with someone else, kid. I have no idea who you’re talking about.”

“Who you callin’ a kid! I’m nineteen years old!” Roy rolled his eyes, before holding out his hand.

“My name is Roy Mustang. I design explosives used by the air force. And you are?”

“I’m Edward Elric, but you can call me Ed, everyone else does. I’m into a little rocket science, that’s all.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Elric.”

It wasn’t long until they were more than just acquaintances. Roy met Ed’s brother, Alphonse, a bright boy with the confidence of a goldfish. This relationship of theirs even deepened to the point where Ed revealed all, talking about this ‘other world’ where everything was different, and there was a strange new science called alchemy that couldn’t be used in this place. He also spoke of the ‘gate’, but those words were few and far between - it always cast a shadow over both the Elric’s eyes.

Soon, their friendship developed into something even deeper than that. Sly brushes, hidden strokes, casual flirting - it was easy to see where this relationship was going. Each man hid his feelings, however, fearful of the new Nazi revolution and the punishment that those who did not follow the rules of the Fuhrer felt.

Ed always shuddered at the word Fuhrer.

Soon, it was too much for Roy. He had to admit it, and fast. He couldn’t take the pressure on his heart anymore.

“Ed, I need to talk to you.”

“Well hurry up and spit it out then! You’ve been pacing like a idiot for the past ten minutes!”

“I’m trying, small-fry, give me a second!”

“Who’re you callin’ so small he can’t hear you up there?-!”

“Ed, I didn’t say that.”

“I know.” The blond pouted a little, and of course, Roy forgave him. How could he not?

“It’s hard. I’ve never said it before.. And I feel that actions are better than words,” Leaning down, Roy pressed his lips against Ed’s, soft, passionate and beautiful. When they broke free from each other, Ed looked up.

“So that’s how you feel?”


“Good. I was starting to worry about myself,” And with that, Ed pulled him in for another kiss.

These memories reminded Roy of everything - their fights, their kisses, the times they held each other in bed, Ed’s moans, his hands… Everything - overwhelming him so much he had to stop and rest against a wall. He couldn’t take the strain. He slid down, back pressed against the wall, until he was sat on the corner of the street, close to sobbing. He couldn’t help it.

“Sir, are you alright?” He looked up, and a young blond woman was looking down at his, her eyes cold, but hinting delicately at sympathy and worry. Roy nodded his head, and the woman shook hers, handing him a handkerchief.

“What’s your name, sir?”

“Roy Mustang.” He didn’t want to ask, something in the back of his mind told him this woman was bad, but he couldn’t help it. Handing back the piece of fabric, he wiped his eyes with his sleeve. “Thanks, but no thanks. Can I ask who you are?”

“Risa Hawkeye. I saw you from across the street and wanted to make sure you were alright.” Roy stiffened.

“What was Hawkeye like?” Roy asked one night as he and Ed sat alone. Ed shrugged.

“She was very protective of you. She made sure you did your work, stopped you.. Sorry. She made sure he did all his work, stopped him from getting himself killed.. Made sure he was alright and covered up his sadness when Hughes died.”

“Ah. I see. Did you like her?”

“She was alright. I never spoke to her much - I preferred spending time with the other military guys. It was a lot more fun than hanging out with a stuffy woman like her!”

She held out a hand, and Roy accepted it, letting himself be pulled to his feet. He nodded to her in thanks.

“May I walk you home?” She asked. “I do not want you to do anything stupid like that, not around here. Not a very nice neighbourhood, I’m afraid, and I have this,” Her hand brushed a pistol hidden in her belt under her shirt.

“She loved threatening people with her gun though. That’s what I remember most - her threats. They were funny.. Sometimes.”

“Sure, thanks,” Roy accepted the woman’s aid, and together they walked back to Ed’s flat, the one he had left to Roy when he returned to his own world. They walked in almost silence, the sounds around them covering up the awkwardness. When they reached the place.. Where Ed had lived.. Roy turned to her and smiled.

“Thank you very much, Miss Hawkeye.”

“Please, call me Risa. Maybe we can go out sometimes?” Roy almost choked, but nodded all the same.

“Maybe. You know where I live, okay, come see me, maybe. Goodbye.”

“Goodbye,” And then she turned and walked off, walking oddly stiffly for a woman.

As Roy climbed the stairs to get to his flat, he wondered. Could he go out with Hawkeye? Ed was here no longer, and he said there had always been an attraction between them. But..

“What are you most scared of, Ed?” The blond turned away from his writing and looked back at his lover, before shrugging.

“I dunno.”

“I know you know. Tell me.. Please?” Ed sighed.

“Fine. I guess.. I’m scared of Hawkeye. I’m scared she will come and steal you away from me, take you far away and leave me alone.. Again..” Roy rose from where he was sitting and wrapped his arms around his young lover’s neck.

“I’ll never let her steal me away, Ed. I promise, okay?” He felt Edward nod against him and relax, reassuring Roy that the teen had understood his promise. No one but you, Ed. No one.

Roy shook his head. He had promised - he would not see Risa. He had sworn to Ed, and nothing could change that. Unlocking the door and pushing it open, Roy stepped in, closing the thick door behind him. He dropped his coat when he turned and saw the blond man sitting at his table with a cup of tea in his hands, reading the paper.

“Ah, Roy Mustang I presume. Good day, my name is Hohenheim Elric, and I am an alchemist."

edward elric, roy mustang, fiction, fullmetal alchemist

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