
Jun 01, 2007 06:36

I have been having trouble sleeping again. I think it's because of being sick. The last few nights I've been hacking and coughing all night long. Once my clock glows 6am I'm wide awake....then I drag through the day. I tried going to sleep earlier but don't fall asleep till after 11. arg.

yesterday I finally cleaned my house, it's been a disaster since like forever, techno fest didn't help much either. I'd come home take off my clothes and leave them wherever, then tear my closet apart again when getting dressed. so yesterday I did all the laundry except one load, I still have to do dishes today. I plan on getting to them after work.

I've also been slacking on my workout. Last night I did free weights for about 20 minutes. I really should go to the gym today to work on cardio. I drag my feet about going because i always get stuck there for close to 2 hours. The next day I can't move at all. :( I hate the fact that they force you to follow their plan, I'm paying for it I could get to do what I want right? This is what they usually make me do:

1)Run backwards hands on hips in marching position 30 minutes
2)Stationary bike on rolling 20 minutes
3)Abs 15 minutes
4)change off upper and lower body 10 minutes
5)Elliptical 35 minutes

I usually like to duck out around #2 because I usually feel like blacking out, or like puking. :( then if you leave before completing everything they make you feel I like to go during a busier time so I can fly under the radar.

I guess that's all for now...unless something big happens today.
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