*tap* *tap* is this thing on?

Aug 21, 2017 10:09


So I got an email from LJ saying that I had been given moderation of an old martial arts community I was a member of. This prompted me to dig up and reset my password (again).

I am pondering just shutting down my account. when I look at my friends feed, there is literally nothing there.

The only person I think that still uses this thing is Welfy, whom has likely completely forgotten about me (which is fine, of course. We never did get around to meeting in person, and I'm not nearly cool enough to be her friend. :) ) and I think that's it.

So it may be time to end an era. Maybe.

It's weird, and honestly a tad painful looking back at all the things I posted. So much angst, and emo shit. Seems that I take to LJ when my life is in upheaval.

But, tbh, with some exceptions my life these days is good. Individual events suck, and so far 2017 has been a complete emotional minefield, but looking at it objectively my life is good. My wife and I are so in love it's probably disgusting. My career is proceeding. My health is better than it has been in probably 15 years. I'm training martial arts, trying to run, got one kid left in the house and overall, things are good.

At the same time though, this, LJ, had always been a cathartic thing for me. Something that I needed from time to time, to clear my head and allow me to bleed my emotions in a way that was semi-private.

So I'm undecided.
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