Title: Thunderstorm
Author: Ree
Theme: Minor Characters (true drabble)
Genre: General
Version: Anime or Manga
Rating: G
All characters from Sailor Moon belong to Takeuchi Naoko, I'm just borrowing them for awhile.
A/N: I just wanted to let you know that lightening can really be this color. I got to watch a similar storm inside of a pickup truck. The lightening was beautiful, but I felt like Usagi.
Shingo stared out the widow. The storm was still blowing outside. As the lightening flashed again, Shingo heard Usagi jump. He glanced back into the darkened room. Usagi was bundled up in a blanket, trying to read her manga by candlelight. Sighing, he cast a mournful look at the TV and playstation. Since the power was out, his fun had been limited to listening to Usagi, and watching the lightening. The color was spectacular, purple along the outside and bright white in the center. The lightening danced between the clouds, and came streaking to the ground. It was worth watching.