Title: Musings
Author: Raya
Theme: Villains / Attention to Detail
Genre: General / Romance
Version: Manga (R)
Rating: PG
Word Count: 349
Disclaimer: All of the characters used below were created by Takeuchi Naoko. I have merely changed them into paper dolls to play with for a while.
Canon, spelling, grammar, and punctuation corrections are appreciated. So is constructive criticism. Please let me know if you see something that should be corrected. Thanks! - Raya
White like... starlight? No. No, stars have colors. They shine blue-white, red, orange, and yellow in the eternally dark sky of this cursed world. Even that distant ball of light called Sun. But this... There is no other color here...
Not "Moon Colored" either. The moon of Earth is full of greys and blacks. While there are shadows here, there is no hint of dirtiness.
Such beautiful textures, twisting and twining around each other. Almost like feathers. I wonder if it would feel feathery to the touch. If I could only touch...
"Pearl Colored" would be inaccurate, too. (Careful with the wine. White stains so easily.) So laughable, when you compare those pure white strands to the pearls in her hair, around her neck, and draped across her body.
No, the best description would probably be snow white. Yes, that would work, especially with her pristine, pure image.
Snow white hair, iridescent white pearls, cloud white dress, paper white lilies... And all complimenting that beautiful ivory white skin. With those beautiful blue eyes shut, the only spot of color is her pale, pale lips. Perfect.
And how perfect her position: kneeling upon the Earth. As if it were her footstool, raising her up above all its denizens. The pure, beautiful, cruel Goddess of the Moon.
Who put such attention into these details? Who created such a perfect portrait of the lovely Queen? Kaioh Michiru... I think we would have gotten along rather well, this Kaioh Michiru and I...
Prince Demand slowly turned away from his contemplation of Neo-Queen Serenity's hologram. "Rubeus."
"Petz is ready to go. Did you wish to give her any final words or instructions?" the red haired warrior asked.
The prince shook his head. "She knows what I want," he replied as he lifted his wine glass to his lips, and turned back to the hologram. "She better not return without it." Rubeus bowed with a small smile, and left the prince to his contemplations. "What I want..." the white haired ruler of Nemesis murmured as his greedy eyes caressed the illusionary figure once more.