Title: The fit
Author: Ree
Medium: Fanfic
Theme: Slash/Femmeslash: Four Leaf Clover
Genre: General
Version: Anime/Manga Post Stars
Rating: G
They're not mine...they're not yours unless you are Takeuchi Naoko.
The fit
AN: This shirt really exists. It was sold at a
http://shirt.woot.com/. Unfortunately it is no longer available, so you can not see what it looked like. It was really cute.
Michiru stared at the shirt that Haruka was wearing. "Where did you get that?"
Her tone spoke volumes, but Haruka wasn't certain if it was good or bad, just that it was a tone. Tugging at the brown fabric sightly, she pulled the t-shirt away from her chest just enough that she could see the picture. "I found it on-line, and thought it was quite fitting." Looking back at her partner, she smiled. "We are always making our own luck, so...."
Michiru looked back at the shirt in question. "It isn't the image I have problems with. I actually like the three leaf clover with a fourth leaf taped to it, and that tape dispenser's brand name "Make your own luck" fits it perfectly." Reaching behind Haruka, she gathered a fist full of material, causing the shirt to cling tightly in the front, outlining the curves that, up until just that moment, were hiding under it. "I just think you ordered the wrong size."