May 12, 2010 15:50
*A wicked gleam dances in Raya's blue eyes*
I just caught a cool plot bunny. One that is about two or three years overdue... (Sorry, Starsea. *glares mildly at bunny and then gives it a squeeze hug*) Anyway, as I was playing with it, I had this other neat idea. One that may or may not work. I will make it a
*grin* Okay, so it probably won't work. I have a feeling Senium's pretty busy and doesn't feel like writing for such a nebulous prompt, Ree is busy playing cleanup artist for her favorite manga fan translator group, Loki mostly reads and edits, and no one else plays in here. But... It'd be cool if someone took me up on it.
So, fic me a fic if you care to play, a fic on the phrase: The Doctor's Companion. For that is the name of this kawaii chiisana usagi. *snuggles squirming plot bunny once more*
And now, off to work another 30 minutes or so before my massage appointment. *bounces impatiently on her ball because she would rather go play with the bunny*