Title: Spending the night
Author: Ree
Theme: Image only: Kitty Hotaru and Tired Setsuna
Genre: general/ humorish
Version: Manga/Anime
Rating: G
My imagination is playing with dolls again, but they have created their own script. The originals belong to Takeuchi Naoko .
Spending the night
Haruka-papa was out of town this week. Michiru-mama and I baked cookies all afternoon. So, I was happy when she asked me to help with dinner. I am not the best at cooking yet. I made the rice because it is hard to mess it up with the rice cooker. It was halfway through finishing dinner that I notice that the milk had been left on the table. Michiru-mama had stepped out of the kitchen for a moment, so I put it up.
Dinner turned out great. I set the table while Michiru-mama poured the drinks and made the plates. When I notice she poured herself a glass of milk, I was glad that I had put it up.
Later that evening, I put on my kitty pajamas. Haruka-papa bought them for me last time she was gone and they help me feel like she was still here. I miss her. She would have known what to do for Michiru-mama. I didn't know what was wrong, but she was acting like her stomach is upset. About halfway through my night story, she ran off to the restroom. A few moments later I heard her on the phone.
Michiru-mama finished my night story and the doorbell rang. To my surprise, Setsuna-mama was there. She looked very tired, but I was really glad to see her. Maybe she could make Michiru-mama feel better.
Instead of helping Michiru-mama, she told me to collect some clothes for tomorrow. Hurray!!! I'm spending the night at Setsuna-mama's place! I get to ride in her car still in my kitty pajama. Tomorrow I will get to help her make breakfast. We'll get to hang out in our pajamas and read books. Maybe she'll let me sleep in her room tonight. I hope what ever Michiru-mama has isn't contagious.