Title: Heart seed - excerpts from The Journal of Helios
Author: Ree
Theme: Image only: A rose in the wind by *FrozenStarRo
Genre: general
Version: sil mill
Rating: G
My imagination is playing with dolls again, but they have created their own script. The originals belong to Takeuchi Naoko .
Heart seed - excerpts from The Journal of Helios
Trials - excerpts from The Journal of Helios The First day of Spring
Later today Prince Endymion will come and perform the seed planting ritual. This is the first time he has ever done it. For the last five years it had been performed by different members on the Regent council. I am worried that he will be disappointed. Yes, he is the Prince of the Earth, but nothing planted on the temple grounds has grown since that fateful day. And yet he is sure that it will if he plants it.
I have tried to warn him... something has cursed this land. It is a curse that I can't break. I can't even see the threads to unravel it. I am heading for the temple proper. I can only hope that he can withstand failure.
Endymion crossed the barren cracked soil. Little puffs of dust rose at every footstep coating his shoes. 'It can't stay like this. The land... it is crying out, begging to be whole... to be healed.' He looked at his four friends that walked with him. He could hear the court trailing behind them, some of them muttering about the futility of this ritual. Up ahead he saw Helios, waiting at the base of the temple stairs. 'This ritual is too meaningful. This garden shows the health of our planet, of my people. An old memory surfaced. He could still hear his Father explaining why they turned the Earth every spring. When they plant in the Earth, she gives life to it, and then they tend it. Just like their people are given life from this Earth, but it is the King's job to tend them. The ritual is a promise, a promise to protect and guard them. To help make sure all their needs were met. 'And if the plant doesn't grow, then there is no symbol of that promise. It must grow this year, the symbol must be there.'
Stepping up to Helios, he listen to the priest intone the prayers that have been said for as long as anyone could remember. Letting the words slide through him, he focused on the promise he wanted to make. 'I need something that can grow. I need a seed that will root and survive here.' He heard the ending of the prayer.
Stepping forward, he approached Helios just as they had practiced for the last several weeks. Helios held a small shovel and a packet of seeds out to him. Reaching out to take them, he felt his hand stopped.
No. Not that seed. Go to the garden. A seed is waiting for you.
It was the voice from his dreams. Endymion glanced towards the temple, searching for its source, before accepting the shovel. He left Helios holding the seed packet as he walked to the garden.
Helios watched in amazement as the Prince left the seeds. Deftly hiding the packet, he watched the young boy walk away. 'Maybe he doesn't want to waste good seed in bad soil.'
'Where shall I dig? Where should I start this new garden?' Closing his eyes, he let his heart lead his footsteps. Dropping to his knees, he opened his eyes and looked at the barren soil. Clasping the handle of the small shovel, he raised it to start his hole.
Use your hands.
Looking at the little shovel in his hand, he sighed softly. In his dream it never did to disobey the voice. Sliding the handle of the shovel through his sash, he rested his hands on the dry soil. 'This soil has to give life. It has to...' His hands felt warm and the soil softened under them. Pushing down his surprise, he started scooping the dirt out until he had a nice size hole. 'Where is the seed? I need to plant something here.'
Even as the thought ended, he felt a small weight nestle into his hand. Dropping the seed into the ground, he prayed it would survive. Covering it over, he glanced towards the sky as a rain ladened breeze stroked his cheek. Walking away, he prevented the water carries from approaching. "The Earth herself will water it."
A gentle soaking rain fell the rest of the day
The fifth day of Spring
After all that strangeness on the Planting Day, I'm not sure if I am shocked to see a small sprout in the temple garden where Endymion was digging. I will watch it and see what grows.
The twentieth day of Spring
The plant is still there. I think it is a rose, but I'm not certain. A small bud is forming on it. Maybe it will bloom soon.
The thirtieth day of Spring
The flower finally opened. It is a rich red rose. I have never seen one as pure a red as this one before. It looks a little weird in a wonderful sort of way. One rose plant blooming in the middle of the barren garden. Maybe it will seed and the garden will be reborn.
I wonder where the seed came from. I wonder how it grew. But I doubt that these will ever be answered. Maybe the Prince's abilities are coming out. Maybe he really should belong to a Plant Clan.
Closing his journal, Helios caught a rich scent perfuming the night air as it drifted through his window. "I hope it does seed and fill the entire garden."
A new plan - excerpts from The Journal of Helios