Attempting to finish Beryl...
Title: Taking the palace
Author: Ree
Theme: Favorite Character - Beryl- Concert
Genre: General
Version: Anime/ Manga - Fates/Tainted Gifts storyline- Silver Mellinium
Rating: G
Most of these characters belong to Takeuchi Naoko. I just borrowed my daughters paper dolls again.
Taking the palace
Beryl watched as her four new generals easily battered down the palace gates. "Kunzite." The white haired general turned towards her. "Go find the prince and bring him to me." For a moment she thought he would fight her. She watched for the brief flashes of defiance that she had witnessed the past three weeks. When he didn't, she felt herself glow with pride. She had won.
Turning to the other three, she narrowed her eyes even as she smiled. "You three, go bring me the King and Queen. I want them to witness and understand what has happened to their son."
She watched as they ran off into the bowels of the palace. 'They are used to working in concert, and they are the most powerful fighters in the kingdom. They shall have no difficulty accomplishing the task.'
Wrapping her fingers about her staff, her other hand drifted over the black crystal set on the top. Through its power, she watched as her youma finished mopping up the pockets of resistance that were still scattered about the palace grounds. Metallia had been right. With her creations it was easy to take the palace, and it was the only way she was going to be able to have an audience with the King and Queen. She had to convince them that the Sihde had bespelled the Prince.