Title: Clowning Around
Author: Raya
Theme: Michiru (Optional: Practical Joke)
Genre: Humor
Version: Manga (post S / pre SuperS)
Rating: G
Word Count: 771
Disclaimer: All of the characters used below were created by Takeuchi Naoko. I have merely converted them into paper dolls to play with for a little while.
Canon, spelling, grammar, and punctuation corrections are appreciated. So is constructive criticism and general comments. Please let me know if you see something that you like or that should be corrected. Thanks! - Raya
Clowning Around
Three year old Hotaru tried valiantly to stifle her giggles as Michiru entered the kitchen. The teal haired senshi arched one delicate eyebrow as Haruka turned to their daughter and made shushing motions, and then smoothed her expression back out before they saw it. She wondered what the joke would be this time. Sugar in the salt shaker? Vegetable oil on the lid to the cookie jar? Hot peppers in her tea?
Hotaru never repeated herself, so she could rule out peanut butter in the recessed handles of the kitchen drawers and strawberry jelly dribbling out of her freshly baked pie among other things. Michiru hoped that the child would grow out of this stage soon, but she suspected that 'Terrible Duo' were having so much fun with it that it would be a while.
"Good morning, ladies," she said smoothly with a smile when the two conspirators noticed her.
"Good morning, Michiru-mama," they chorused. Hotaru burst into a fresh set of giggles at her Haruka-papa's silliness.
"My, you're in a good mood this morning," Michiru said as she made her way to the sink.
"The sun is shining," Hotaru replied with a grin and a sly look at Haruka. Haruka winked back at her.
"Yes, it is," Michiru agreed as she peered out the clean window. "And it's nice and warm, too. I guess that is enough to put anyone in a good mood, isn't it?" Hotaru bobbed her head enthusiastically, and shifted in her chair. "So, what would you like for breakfast this morning?" Michiru asked as she turned her gaze back to the two at the table.
"Cereal!" Hotaru cheered, making her usual request as she threw her hand up in the air.
Michiru shook her head with a sigh. "That is not a very healthy breakfast, Hotaru-chan," she replied as she did every morning. "How about some rice, miso soup, grilled fish, and omelet?"
Hotaru sighed, and strove to look disappointed. "Okay, Michiru-mama."
As Michiru turned away to get the soup base and fish, she caught the little girl's smile. So, the joke had something to do with breakfast, she concluded as she tried to carefully open the the cabinets and drawers without appearing to do so.
By the time the soup, fish, and omelet were ready to serve, Michiru was beginning to get puzzled. Everything had been where it was supposed to be and what it was supposed to be. There was not anything sticky on the drawers or cabinets or utensils. She was beginning to think that maybe the joke would come later in the day. That was not something she looked forward to. While Haruka kept the jokes innocent and in-line, Michiru would much rather not be totally surprised by them.
Haruka put the soup, fish, and omelet on the table for her as she turned to open the rice cooker. Michiru looked at it carefully, but nothing seemed unusual about it. She gave a small sigh and vowed to inspect everything carefully during the day as she reached for the handle and lifted the lid.
She jumped back with a squeal of surprise when a large clown doll sprang out of the cooker and began to bounce around on a spring. Behind her, Hotaru squealed and clapped in delight that her trick had worked, while Haruka leaned against the table and laughed. Setsuna, who had just entered the kitchen, eyed the clown curiously, and then smiled. Michiru slowly turned around and glared at Haruka.
"I surprised you, didn't I, Michiru-mama?" Hotaru asked excitedly as she squirmed down from her chair and raced across the kitchen to look up at Michiru.
Michiru fixed a smile on her face as she looked down at the little girl. "Yes, princess, you sure did. You surprised me quite a bit with that one." Hotaru clapped her hands in delight again as she bounced up and down. "But next time, I would appreciate it if you do not ruin the rice or the rice cooker."
Hotaru blinked up at her in confusion. "Oh, she didn't!" Haruka called quickly as she crossed the room and opened the oven. "We put the rice in here so that it wouldn't get messed up." She smiled reassuringly as she lifted a large bowl of rice and presented it to her mate.
Michiru relaxed as she looked from the bowl to Haruka. "Just you wait," she murmured as she accepted the bowl. "I will get you for this. Just you wait."
Haruka just winked, and then escorted their daughter back to the table so breakfast could begin.