Title: Losing the battle - Love and War part III
Author: Ree
Theme: Motoki- countdown
Genre: General
Version: PGSM pre-series
Rating: G
Most of these characters belong to Takeuchi Naoko. I just asked Motoki and friends to tell us some tales.
Losing the battle - Love and War part III
Learning an obsession - Love and War part II "What is that?" Yumiko's tone was as cold as ice.
Motoki watched as her eyes roamed from the wilting flowers, they hadn't traveled well so they looked worse than when he had picked them, to the stuffed turtle riding on his back. "These are for you." He held the drooping bouquet towards her.
Yumiko held her hand out as if he were offering her a snake. Holding the wilting flowers, her nosed wrinkled, she looked for the nearest trash can. Spotting one near a pet store, she headed for it. Motoki was right behind her. When she dropped them into the trash, she expected some sort of complaint, but none came. One quick glance told her why. Motoki was staring into the window of the pet store at a turtle. 'Turtles...! That is all he thinks about anymore... Are turtles more important than me?' Glaring at the man she had come to despise, she felt her hands settle on her hips, and the question explode out of her. "Are turtles more important to you than I am? That is all you seem to care about anymore. Turtles this and turtles that."
Motoki turned slightly, until he was facing her. Letting his eyes go round in surprise, he answered her. "Isn't he beautiful?" He pointed to the turtle in the window. "A wonderful example of a green turtle. The shape, coloration, and patterns of the shell lets you know what species he is. Isn't he the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?"
Motoki watched as Yumiko turned red. 'It is working. She has finally reached the end of her rope. Now she'll say it. Come on.'
Yumiko tried to suppress her anger, but lost it when he glanced away from her to look at the turtle in the window. "Go buy your turtle and be happy. But your going to do it by yourself. I done with playing second fiddle to a reptile. We're through!"
Motoki watched as his now ex-girlfriend stormed away. It had taken three weeks, two days and about five hours to complete, but now his countdown was done. Looking back at the turtle, he smiled. "And now to celebrate." Walking into the shop, he bought the turtle that won him his freedom.
Obsession turned real, maybe - Love and War part IV