(no subject)

Dec 26, 2007 22:44

Title: Plotting - Love and War part I
Author: Ree
Theme: Motoki - "Battles are lost in the same spirit in which they are won." -- Walt Whitman
Genre: General
Version: PGSM pre-series
Rating: G

Most of these characters belong to Takeuchi Naoko. I just asked Motoki and friends to tell us some tales.

Plotting - Love and War part I

"I can't just tell her that I'm breaking up with her. " Motoki's frustration rang loud and clear in his voice.

Mamoru frowned slightly. "Why not? You don't love her, and you don't want to lead her on , so you should tell her. Then, you can find someone that makes you happy."

Motoki ran his hand through his hair and flopped back on Mamoru's bed. It had been a long day already. He had successfully dodged Yumiko all morning, tracked down Mamoru, and was now seeking advice. "She is persistent. And she thinks she knows what is best for me; for us. She wouldn't believe me if I told her."

Mamoru raised his eyebrow slightly. "You mean she would continue to hound you even after you told her it was over?" Motoki nodded in agreement. "All is fair in love and war. At least that is the saying. And we both know that battles and wars are lost with the same spirit and planning as it takes to win them. Especially if you want to lose."

Motoki smiled his first smile for the day. The history teacher had used that idea for two weeks, pounding it into their heads over and over again. "So, you're saying that if I want to lose this battle in the War of Love, then I need to plan everything out?"

Mamoru nodded. "You know Yumiko better than anyone else. What can you do that will make her disgusted in you? Not make her hate you, but not want to be with you."

Motoki frowned up at the ceiling while the question rolled about in his mind. "Be late... and absentminded. Especially about things for her. Last minute flowers, no candies, forget times and places that we were supposed to meet up."

"All good ideas, but will they drive her away?" Mamoru reclined back in his desk chair and joined Motoki in his contemplation of the ceiling.

""Maybe not. I need one sure fire way to do it. But I have no idea." Motoki pummeled his brain, trying to come up with something.

Mamoru leaned forward slightly. "How about an obsession? One that doesn't make much sense."

Motoki sat up and stared at his best friend. "An obsession? I know that I can get hung up on things, but I don't know what I can become obsessive about that she wouldn't like."

Both friends sat in deep thought, trying to figure out the answer to that one.

"Turtles." Mamoru's voice broke the heavy silence.

A puzzled look crossed Motoki's face. "Turtles? Who obsesses over turtles? How do you obsess over turtles?"

Mamoru spun about and powered up his computer. "That is what the internet is for. Let's go find out."

Learning an obsession - Love and War part II

dec'07, motoki

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