Title: Last Senshi Standing
Author: Raya
Theme: Michiru (Optional: Shattered)
Genre: Tragedy
Version: Manga (post Crystal Tokyo)
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 772
Disclaimer: All of the characters used below were created by Takeuchi Naoko. I have merely converted them into paper dolls to play with for a little while.
Canon, spelling, grammar, and punctuation corrections are appreciated. So is constructive criticism and general comments. Please let me know if you see something that you like or that should be corrected. Thanks! - Raya
Last Senshi Standing
Sailor Cosmos spun away from her vanishing enemy, terrified of what she would find, yet unable to not look. Although she had grown accustomed to battlefields and scenes of chaos and destruction, the carnage behind her took her breath away. Bodies, weapons, rocks, and metal were strewn everywhere, twisting and melting together. Pools of liquid seeped across the light colored ground, their various colors staining it the same dark shade.
She breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed slightly when she saw that all of the enemies were vanquished, and that her last remaining team mate was still alive. The teal haired woman was kneeling in the rubble, facing her, and staring into her mirror. Although she was covered in dirt and her uniform was torn, the other senshi did not appear to be seriously hurt in anyway.
Sailor Cosmos' relief faded as something in the woman's stance caught her attention. The other senshi was too still. Her expression was too blank. "Mi'sanda?" she called. The fear returned as Sailor Cosmos hurried across the battlefield, stumbling over the wreckage and splashing heedlessly through the puddles. Her white hair and uniform quickly became stained with all the colors of the rainbow.
"Mi'sanda," she called again anxiously as she reached down to shake the senshi's shoulder. "Mi'sanda!"
Slowly, the senshi pulled her gaze away from her mirror and looked up into her empress' silver eyes. "Chyo...ko?" Her absent aqua colored gaze slipped down to the mirror once more. "Never... I have had it forever... through many incarnations... and never before..."
As Sailor Cosmos turned to see what had happened to the Aqua Mirror, the senshi let it fall. "Mi'sanda!" she screamed as she turned back to catch her falling team mate. "Mi'sanda! No! Wake up! Mi'sanda! Mi'sanda!"
"Oceans don't... shatter?" the senshi murmured into Sailor Cosmos' breast as she closed her eyes one final time.
"Mi'sanda..." Sailor Cosmos sobbed as she hugged the lifeless body closer and began to rock back and forth. Memories flashed through her mind, a lifetime's worth of friendship, laughter, fights, and reconciliations.
After several minutes, she slowly lowered the body to the ground and straightened it. Still crying, Sailor Cosmos turned to look for the mirror. It had been her friend's most cherished possession. She would not leave it behind on this scarred world.
A glint of light finally guided her to where it lay. It had fallen, face down, beside a rock. Gently, Sailor Cosmos lifted it up and turned it over to wipe it off. She froze as her fractured face stared back at her. It was shattered. Mi'sanda's precious Aqua Mirror had shattered into a million pieces.
She stared at her broken image for a long moment in shock. And then, it began to change. Each shard seemed to reflect a different scene, but they all were of the same girl. In some fragments she had white hair, and in others golden blonde. Sometimes she was a senshi fighting desperate battle. Sometimes she was a princess dancing at a ball. She was a mother, a daughter, a friend, and a lover. She was...
"Me..." Sailor Cosmos breathed. Deep in her mind, a door seemed to open and the memories flooded out. "That is.. me..." Slowly, she reached out and touched the shattered surface.
The scenes in the mirror melded together once more, and she felt her breath catch at the sight. The Cauldron. The Great Cauldron of the Stars. If she had ended it then... If she had just destroyed the Cauldron and Chaos, this never would have happened. All of her friends would be alive. Mi'sanda's... No, Neptune's Aqua Mirror would still be whole...
Abruptly, she lowered the mirror and turned to face her friend. She knew what she had to do now. There was no reason to stay here. They were all dead. There was no one left to help her. The only way to win this war was to go back to the first battle and convince her past self to do what had to be done.
Gently, she laid the mirror face down on Mi'sanda's chest and folded her friend's gloved hands over top of it. "I'll do it," she vowed as she rose once more. "I'll bring you back. I'll bring you all back."
Summoning her Cosmos Tier, she teleported the teal haired senshi formerly known as Sailor Neptune back to the Palace. There, she knew, Mi'sanda would lie in state beside her sisters who had fallen before. And then, with a flash of silver light, she entered the time stream and began to search for that crucial moment in time.