Title: Reunion V - Ueno Park II
Author: Raya
Theme: All In the Family / Hat
Genre: General / Romance
Version: Manga (post StarS / pre Crystal Tokyo)
Rating: G
Word Count: ~657
Disclaimer: Ikuko, Kenji, Shingo, Mamoru, and Usagi belong to Takeuchi Naoko. I have merely cut out these photographs, stuck them on popsicle sticks, and used them as puppets in my old fashioned home theater. Also, I do not own the
Sunshine City Prince Hotel. I can wish, though...
Canon, spelling, grammar, and punctuation corrections are appreciated. So is constructive criticism and general comments. Please let me know if you see something that you like or that should be corrected. Thanks! - Raya
Reunion V - Ueno Park II
Continued from:
Part IV “Shingo-san?” Fujiko asked as her husband sat up suddenly. Wondering what had caught his attention and generated such a strong reaction, she followed his gaze across the lake. She did not see anything unusual, so she looked back at him curiously. “Is everything all right?”
Shingo blinked, and then forced himself to relax. “Mmmm,” he replied noncommittally as he gave her hand a quick squeeze. His eyes never left the small family that was slowly making their way around the lake.
Fujiko frowned, and looked across the lake once more. Still, she could not tell what he was looking at. “What is it?”
“Hmm? Oh, nothing,” Shingo replied. Slowly, reluctantly, he drew his eyes away from the couple that might or might not be his sister and brother-in-law, and turned to look at his wife. When he saw the studious expression on her sunkissed face, he chuckled.
“What?” she asked as she turned to face him again. Her brown eyes narrowed at his amused expression. “What are you laughing at?” she asked suspiciously.
“You,” he confirmed as he grinned. Even after all the time that they had been together, he still loved to tease her. “You look like you are trying to determine whether the leaves of that maple over there are crimson or vermilion.”
Fujiko quirked a dark eyebrow and glanced at the tree in question. “Actually, they're more alizarin,” she replied as a distracted look crossed her face. “Alizarin... That might be the complement I'm looking for for the Sunshine City Prince...”
Shingo chuckled again. His eyes stole to the small family that he had been watching, and then back to his thoughtful wife. “How about dark pink?” he asked teasingly.
Fujiko frowned and cringed back. “Pink? With lemon? Are you crazy?”
“No,” he said laughingly, “but you are burning.” When she blinked at him in confusion, he released her hand and reached up to tap her pink nose. “Where is your hat?”
“My...? Oh... I didn't bring one,” Fujiko replied as she began to look around. “I didn't realize that the sun would be so strong today.”
Shingo shook his head with loving amusement. “With skin as fair as yours any sun would burn,” he said as he turned to help her look for a substitute. Out of the corner of his eye, he watched for her reaction. Sure enough, her cheeks became pinker as she began to flush with pleasure at his complement.
“I'm not that pale,” she protested half heartedly.
“Mm-hmmm,” he said softly as he leaned closer to pick up Haneko's discarded straw hat. Fujiko was reaching for it at the same time but stopped as she glanced over at him. “Beautifully fair,” he murmured for her ears alone as he lifted the hat and put it gently on her head. They sat that way for a moment, looking into each other's eyes. Fujiko absently reached up to hold the hat as a stray breeze from the lake tried to blow it away. Tenderly, Shingo reached for the brown ringlets that danced around her face and brushed them away for her.
A shout and a sudden burst of laughter from the young adults playing beside them reminded the couple that they were in a very public park. They jerked apart and turned away from each other, blushing a little with embarrassment. Quickly, they looked over at the group, and then smiled as they watched Seiji and Kazuki's wife run after the escaping beach ball while the other youths laughed and called encouragements.
Sitting in her chair a short distance away, Ikuko smiled at them in amusement. She glanced over at Kenji who was sitting beside her, and her smile grew wider. From the expression of glee on his face, he had caught the tender moment between their son and his wife with his digital camera. She wondered how many pictures Shingo would have to pay blackmail for.
Continued in:
Part VI