Title: Rumors
Author: Ree
Theme: Makoto- witch
Genre: General
Version: Anime/Manga during ep 10
Rating: G
Makoto and her friends don't belong to me, but I'm sure you all know that. *Holds up the dolls and the paper dolls* But these... these belong to my daughter, so I can use them.
The whole school was talking about it. They looked around at homeroom to see who was missing today, and then they whispered about it at lunchtime.
Mokoto leaned closer to Yuki, trying to catch what she was whispering to Yume. "It is the witch at that temple. She is the one making them all disappear."
Eating Makoto's deliciously homemade riceballs, Makoto and Yuki waited to here what Yume would say. Yume picked a riceball out of Makoto's bento before she spoke. "But why would the Hinos want to make the kids on the bus disappear?"
Makoto nodded at the sense in that question. "Especially since most of them are patrons of the temple. I agree with Yume. That just seems wrong."
Yuki frowned slightly as she tucked a dark strand of hair behind her ear. Glancing at her auburn haired friend, she tried to think of an answer. Yume was the one who figured it out. "Could it be because they don't believe in her powers?" Yuki flashed a grateful smile at her rainbow haired friend.
Makoto tilted her head as she considered it. "I guess. But if they were buying charms there, surely they believe a little bit." Her eyes sparkled as a thought struck her. "Do you think Sailor Moon or Sailor V will do anything?"
Yume's and Yuki's eyes turned dreamy. "That would be great. I want to be on that bus if they do. Can you image that? We would get to see them in person."
Makoto joined them in their daydream. "And we could help them defeat that witch, and free all those students. We would be heroes like them."
All three girls imagined Sailor Moon and Sailor V thanking them and telling them that they couldn't have done it without the girls help. The image stayed with them long after lunch was over. As they were leaving, she heard Yuki trying to determine which bus it was that disappeared. One of the friends of a missing student answered her. "It is the six o'clock bus that leaves from the Hirakawa shrine. I would avoid it." Yuki smiled and waved to Yume.
Makoto watched them leave the school yard with trepidation. 'They aren't, are they? They wouldn't really go ride that bus.' She ran after them, trying to catch them without success.
The next morning, both of her friends were missing. Makoto glared out the window. 'The witch has got them, too. And I don't think I can win against a witch. Even if I fight her, she might not release them. Hurry up Sailor Moon, Sailor V. Hurry up and save my friends.'