Title: Shadows revealed (Danger part VI )
Author: Ree
Theme: ChibiUsa (perfect)
Genre: General
Version: Anime/Manga Crystal Tokyo
Rating: G
This lovely child and her friends were the creations of Takeuchi Naoko. I am just playing with some really nice dolls. ( And hiding them from my daughter and niece.^-^)
Shadows revealed
Forever running (Danger part V ) AN: Moon = Usagi = ChibiUsa, Arlene = Sailor Ceres, Kamaria = Sailor Vesta, Aethel = Sailor Pallas, Chloe = Sailor Juno, Shiro =Helios
Moon's footstep rang against the path as she pushed through the time stream in hopes of reaching Sailor Pluto. She could hear her enemy following at her heels. 'I should run somewhere else. I shouldn't lead him to Puu. But she might be able to banish him, or at least tell me where he is.' Spotting the top arch of the Doors, she ran faster.
Moon stopped so suddenly she was sure her enemy would bowl into her. "No....No....NO!!!!!!" Laying on the ground in front of the Doors was her first and best friend. Even as the grating chuckle started again, she rushed to Sailor Pluto. Resting her fingers against Pluto's neck, Moon felt herself calm slightly. Pluto was still alive. Pulling herself together, Moon stood up and placed herself between Pluto and the chuckling monster.
"Perfect. Absolutely perfect." The grating voice almost seem to purr as the shadows thickened around it. "Have you given up running, my little rabbit?"
The nickname echoed through Moon. She hadn't been called that since she had become Sailor Moon.
The shadow stopped moving, and it opened two dark yellow eyes. "Are you ready to join me again?"
Fear ran through Sailor Moon as she stared into the face of Chaos.
Trusting oneself (Danger part VII )