Title: Not like in the movies
Author: Ree
Theme: Shitennou (Movie Reference)
Genre: General
Version: Manga/Anime Crystal Tokyo
Rating: G
Takeuchi Naoko had the wonderful imagination to create these gentlemen and their companions. I've just decided to borrow their look alike doubles and give them scripts.
Not like in the movies )
All they do is steal from wealthy merchants and give it to the poor. <-- And if I had seen no sign of wealth being distributed, I would have questioned this statement immediately. But then, that might have ruined the next part of the story, hahahah...
I loved the image of Zoisite sweeping out of the chamber. A very Zoi thing to do. ^-^
And he really wanted to call the guy out, but he wan't sure how many were in on it, and he didn't want them to get spooked, yet.
...Or is he just stupid?' Paragraph break after this. I like that better, by the way. Shows Zoi's suspicions earlier as a result of the man's words.
that they needed to help him? with getting? get rid of the pirates on their shores
but the loud mouth one just sneered <-- odd... Loud mouthed one? one with the loud/big mouth?
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