Title: Fond Memories
Author: Raya
Theme: Haruka / Nostalgic
Genre: General / Fluff?
Version: PGSM
Rating: G
Word Count: ~612
Disclaimer: These lovely characters were created by Takeuchi Naoko. I have merely converted them into real looking simulacrums and tried my best not to butcher their characters.
Fond Memories
Haruka leaned back against the convertible and tilted her head back slightly up to the warm afternoon sun. Lazily, she gazed through the gate into the schoolyard. Cicadae buzzed around her, blending with the sound of tires humming on the road a short distance away.
A slight smile quirked at the corner of her mouth as she took in the stillness and relative silence. Any minute now, the bells would ring and a horde of pre-teens would descend from the buildings into the sun drenched courtyard and fill it with their abundant energy and high pitched voices. In the midst of that horde would be one special young girl.
That thought and the nostalgia that accompanied it made her smile grow. How long had it been? Five years? Ten? Visions of the courtyard between the academic and music buildings on Mugen Gakuen's campus filled her head. The silence between classes. The smell of the sakura surrounding her as she sat in its boughs waiting for the bells to ring. One special girl calmly descending the steps as her fellow students surged and swirled around her. Two caramel brown eyes laughing silently up at her, spotting her easily in spite of her attempts to merge into the blossoms and shadows.
The cheerful clanging of the middle school bell startled her out of her memories. Blinking rapidly to clear her eyesight, Haruka straightened up from the car. Moments later, the doors of the building flew open and a handful of boys raced for the gate. She ignored them as they skidded to a stop and gaped in wide eyed amazement at the bright yellow Ferrari behind her. Instead, she scanned the sea of students pouring out of the building.
One girl caught her attention and brought the smile back to her face. The child walked calmly though the seething throng, her dark head bent modestly and her book satchel held securely in front of her with both hands. Her fellow students instinctively gave her such a wide berth that she seemed to be walking in a bubble. Except for a few details such as age, hair style, and uniform, it was almost as if Haruka's memory had come back to life.
"Oy!" she called out, lifting a hand in greeting as the young girl looked up quickly. The child's black eyes returned the greeting as she smiled back.
Moments later, Hotaru stood in front of her foster parent. "Good afternoon, Haruka-san!" she said softly as she beamed up at the taller woman. "I thought Michiru-san was going to pick me up today."
Haruka shook her head as she stepped around the car to open the passenger door for the child. "Practice ran over," she replied as Hotaru slipped daintily onto the seat. "She said she would be home in time for dinner."
The tall blonde woman closed the door, and then leaned against it and smiled down at Hotaru. The girl gave her a quizzical look. "You act more and more like her every day," Haruka said as she shook her head and pushed away. Hotaru blinked, a confused look on her face, and then slowly smiled.
"Thank you," she replied in a soft, pleased voice as her foster parent slid into the driver's seat.
Haruka shrugged as she started the car. Keeping a close eye on the small crowd which had gathered a short distance away, she carefully pulled away from the curb and headed towards the main road and home. She could hardly wait to see the beautiful woman whose mannerisms her foster daughter mimicked. At the back of her mind, Michiru's eyes continued to laugh up at her.
How do you people write with the tv on in the background? Argh! I could hardly concentrate!
Almost done... I just have to find a way to round out the ending. Tomorrow or the day after, though. It's time for Elflina and her husband to go to bed, and I don't want to be an impolite guest. Especially when they'll have me up at 6:00 tomorrow morning, hahaha...
ED: Okay, finished now, I think. Enough for critiques. ^-^